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  • kevsgn replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    Jay great tks for your post about suit

    There are quite alot of people advocate of using llc for buying property for asset protection

    Jay do you think is generally ultra difficult to get local or foreign banks line of credit for house owned without any outstanding loan with the owner is not from us? Any alternatives?

  • kevsgn replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    People said in usa lawsuits are very common. Would a foreign owner of a house deter the tenant from bringing on lawsuit since the owner is maybe from australia or new zealand since they have to bring their case to the another country?

  • kevsgn replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    Does the tax deed sale erase all other liens on the property?

    No!  There may still be other encumbrances (judgments, priority mortgages, taxes or liens) that survive the sale.  The winning bidder takes title to the property subject to all defects, liens, encumbrances and matters of which he/she has or could obtain knowledge. It is the bidders…[Read more]

  • kevsgn replied to the topic Finance for US Property in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    Yes Jay you are right about ref of clear houses but the problem is are there lenders in us allowing ref without in person application or are there any companies/banks in au offering ref for us houses? Would be ok to go to au for in person application but not us.

    Most of the lender approaching are hardmoney lender and hardly offering 10, 15 or 30yrs ref.

  • kevsgn replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    Totally agree with you

    Those tax cert auction have companies with huge backing to suck up those cert at low interest.

    When you say tax sales are you talking about those auction selling tax deed sales like in florida tax authority? So in florida those deed sales extinguishes those liens other than irs and they would have clear title when a buyer…[Read more]

  • kevsgn replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    when buyer successful brought a tax deed with many potential liens and loan on do they have to buy title insurance and would title company insure them?

    would creditor going to collect money owe from the new owner or they would collect money only when u want to sell the house?

  • kevsgn replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Does buyer has to qualify llc form in another state to buy RE in florida? Qualification rules include like the llc has a warehouse in florida and ship product from the warehouse to customer. But buying RE with llc does not have a selling or present presence in florida.

    If require for qualification arn't owner has to pay double cost in term of…[Read more]

  • kevsgn replied to the topic Finance for US Property in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    There are some loan contacts/offerings for non us investor like citius. Do the investors have to travel to us to apply or a llc bank acct would do the procedure online?

  • kevsgn replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Is searching public record would be sufficient to prevent existing debt issues associate with the property? would those mechanic leins irs leins or any other liens turn out in the public record? There are some buyer buying bank owned or gov property. Would they alienate those liens and warrant a "sure" reselling title?

  • kevsgn replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    JLH thanks for the reply. Would not be too night when the escrow company or title insurance company provide the buyer the information about liens existing loan and other debt when the house has been purchased? For buyers who are interested in us properties arn't they going to order title search service from title insurance company EACH time they…[Read more]

  • kevsgn replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Have a few questions about buying us properties

    1) When buying a house with existing liens on does the owner allow to sell the house in full market value or the liens must be settle?

    2) How to verify whether the existing loan on the house is allow to take over?

  • kevsgn replied to the topic Finance for US Property in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 3 months ago

    Hi engelorumora,

    The houses are purchase without loan


  • kevsgn replied to the topic Finance for US Property in the forum Does united states has any 11 years, 3 months ago

    Does united states has any lenders offering loans using fully paid properties?

    Without going there?

  • kevsgn replied to the topic Financial institutions borrowing in the forum Finance 11 years, 3 months ago

    The properties are fully paid located in united states

    Need to find some banks for loan using the the properties

    But need not go to united states for application


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