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  • jleejlee replied to the topic Sell Your Own Home in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 2 years ago

    Well, imagine you want to buy a house without a real estate agent. Would you be sure you won’t be scammed? I was trying to have a look at some places to move in without an agent, but it took me a lot of time to find a suitable one, and I did not have any experience seeing the problems of any particular place. I bought a house 3 years ago, I love…[Read more]

  • jleejlee replied to the topic Sell Your Own Home in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 2 years ago

    Well, imagine you want to buy a house without a real estate agent. Would you be sure you won’t be scammed? I was trying to have a look at some places to move in without an agent, but it took me a lot of time to find a suitable one, and I did not have any experience seeing the problems of any particular place. I bought a house 3 years ago, I love…[Read more]

  • jleejlee replied to the topic Land title size and advertised land size different in the forum Help Needed! 2 years ago

    Well, this could be a small mistake made by slipping hand, but the difference of 90 sqm is a huge mistake. I think you have to check you advertising twice or even more times before publishing it. I am very curious how this will be explaind by the company and how the are going to solve it

  • jleejlee became a registered member 2 years ago


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