jalmucerzu started the topic December Global Holidays: A list of Festivals which makes December a HAPPENING m in the forum Forum Frolic 3 years, 4 months ago
Do you like Holidays? I’m sorry, everyone literally works for them! Guess what? The month of December is a gem because no other month has as many multicultural celebrations as December.
It tops the list from America to India for December global holidays. It is celebrated in India for joy.
It’s a festival of lights! It’s a…[Read more]
jalmucerzu started the topic What Dinosaur Has 500 Teeth in the forum Forum Frolic 3 years, 4 months ago
Scientists excavate the teeth of dinosaurs to find the answer to “What dinosaur has 500 teeth?”. Let’s find out among Nigersaurus, T-rex, and others who have it.
jalmucerzu started the topic How Old Is Queen Elizabeth in the forum Forum Frolic 3 years, 4 months ago
How Old Is Queen Elizabeth?, the longest-reigning monarch, turns 95 this year. But did you know that there is a rule that allows the monarch to celebrate their birthday twice? Yes, click to know more.
jalmucerzu became a registered member 3 years, 4 months ago