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  • horaphil replied to the topic Investing in France? in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years ago

    Insurance is less expensive than in Australia but a tennant has more rights in France. An obvious point that comes to mind is that you cannot evict a bad tennat in winter, regardless of circumstances. Holiday rentals would overcome this problem. Plenty of agencies around to help manage your property and most areas have a few that accomodate…[Read more]

  • horaphil replied to the topic Investing in France? in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years ago

    The south has had a lot of attention from holiday home buyers ever since the European Union relaxed the borders. British, Germans, Hollanders, Belgians, every country within driving distance has people with holiday homes in this area. This has raised the prices quite considerably. My French family have a holiday home in the area and it has ne…[Read more]

  • horaphil replied to the topic Investing in France? in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years ago

    Hello, I am from Sydney with a French wife. We moved to  France last June and plan to do stay for the next few years. We purchased a property on arrival, a place I could renovate until my french improves.The banking systems are quite different here and investor intelegence is much greater in Australia. Currently there are plenty of great in…[Read more]


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