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  • Profile photo of GlenLorneGlenLorne
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    The plan being to get them out of our property as soon as possible, not giving them a reference would delay theings even more.

    Profile photo of GlenLorneGlenLorne
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    Our tenants have now refused access for the last 2 Wed opens, have refused to have the auction on site as they do not want all the people in the house and have been unable to offer us a time this week when the photos can be taken.

    Our action today is to send them a notice in writing giving them 7 days notice of the photography being next Monday and if they are not happy with that, offer them any time that day. If they are still unable to allow access that day, we will have the property manager bring the master key (and hopefully the disarm code for the alarm) and do it that way. Then, they will be in breach anyway and we will take it to the Tribunal and seek the decision to have them vacate in 14 days.

    Unfortunately, these seem to be the type of people that will try everything to stuff up the sale campaign, I hate to imagine what they will try and pull if and when a buyer is interested and wants to have a building and pest inspection done!

    Just not worth the angst at the end of the day. Too worrying for all concerned when so much money is at stake, so better to let them know we are serious and not about to give in to their unreasonable demands and gripes. The tenant has since advised that they are moving into their own newly renovated home in March so are not looking to stay on too long anyway…It was their choice to stay on periodic lease and not re-sign to a fixed term lease – that may well turn out to be an expensive decision for them. They are not interested in whether the house is sold to an investor or an owner-occupier. Either way, the sale campaign seems to be what they are upset about.

    We have asked the property manager to offer the tenants assistance in finding another property to rent and supply them a reference etc.

    Looking forward to any comments or suggestions. 


    Profile photo of GlenLorneGlenLorne
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    The property is located in Sydney and we had given the tenant 5 business days notice for access for photos and 12 days notice for first open for inspection.

    The hassle with written notices has been that we did not list the property for sale with the property management agency. They then relinquished managing the property in their upset over losing the listing to another local agent. Hence, we have transferred the management to the agent listing it for sale and the written notices have been overlooked in the process.

    Such a mess in hindsight, but we did not expect the principal of the property management agency to pull the pin on the day we advised that the property was listed for sale with another agent. Nor did we expect the tenant to push it all so hard and so far. I suspect that the tenant has been advised of how to 'stuff up our campaign' by the ex-agent. The tenant seems to have expected us to give in and let them dictate the arrangements.

    There is so much money at stake here and we are obviously selling the property because that is in our best interests financially – not the tenant's best interests. They are likely to be upset, but hey, it is alays a risk in the renting game. We are tenants ourselves and face risk of the same circumstances.

    Where to from here?


    Profile photo of GlenLorneGlenLorne
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    Thanks Terryw,
    Would recommend it is not a bad thing then? Would you suggest it is a reasonable fee from a non bank lender?
    The variable rates quoted are reasonable given our goal to have each IP sitting on its own, avoiding the cross-security issues we have had in the past with our banker.
    Thanks and regards

    Profile photo of GlenLorneGlenLorne
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    Many thanks to you all for responding – this has certainly helped us!


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