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  • funinvesting started the topic Compare the Rental Market in the forum General Property 2 years, 11 months ago

    price comparison website Compare the Market shows that the city where locals can make the most by renting out their properties privately is San Francisco, where the average rent is more than US$5,000 ($6,730) a month. San Francisco is a very densely populated city and a cultural, commercial and financial hub, with high levels of income and cost of…[Read more]

  • funinvesting started the topic Compare the Rental Market in the forum General Property 2 years, 11 months ago

    price comparison website Compare the Market shows that the city where locals can make the most by renting out their properties privately is San Francisco, where the average rent is more than US$5,000 ($6,730) a month. San Francisco is a very densely populated city and a cultural, commercial and financial hub, with high levels of income and cost of…[Read more]

  • funinvesting started the topic Logistics acquisition Nagoya in the forum General Property 3 years ago

    Real estate investment firm Hines announced on Feb 8 the acquisition and development of a logistics asset in Nagoya, Japan, for an undisclosed amount.

    The firm says it is buying Yatomi Distribution Centre, marking its first logistics acquisition and development project in Japan. It is also Hines’ second investment in the country in the last f…[Read more]

  • funinvesting started the topic Housing Prices Up in the forum Overseas Deals 3 years, 7 months ago

    The URA flash estimate released on July 1 showed that the private residential property index increased 0.9% in 2Q2021, compared to 3.3% in 1Q2021. It marks the fifth consecutive quarterly price growth, but at the slowest pace of growth in the past three quarters. In comparison, the price increase of 3.3% in 1Q2021 was the steepest quarterly price…[Read more]

  • funinvesting started the topic Housing Prices Up in the forum Overseas Deals 3 years, 7 months ago

    The URA flash estimate released on July 1 showed that the private residential property index increased 0.9% in 2Q2021, compared to 3.3% in 1Q2021. It marks the fifth consecutive quarterly price growth, but at the slowest pace of growth in the past three quarters. In comparison, the price increase of 3.3% in 1Q2021 was the steepest quarterly price…[Read more]

  • funinvesting became a registered member 3 years, 7 months ago


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