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  • ecaconnection replied to the topic Investing in France? in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years ago

    Yes it is right the South of France is quite expensive but we are talking about the "cote d azur" it means the South East as Cannes, Nice, St tropez etc….. But if you like to be near by the mideterranean sea there is some places where it is still possible to find some very good deals and some properties which are still possible to renovate. …[Read more]

  • ecaconnection replied to the topic Investing in France? in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years ago

    Hi,If you are interested about buying in France you can contact my company, we help you to find the property and to buy it. We just make your life easier. Check the website http://www.ecaconnection.comIt s a free service and we deal in all parts of France. Don t hesitate to contact me, i m cyril , i m french based in Paris and London.


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