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  • Profile photo of CMBH90211CMBH90211
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1


    Be extremely careful around Scot Brogan. He is a professional con man. He is running an illegal property flipping scam where he is conning people into being straw buyers in illegal land flips. He will lie to you up and down in an attempt to use you as a straw buyer. He is very aggressive an will do anything to use you. Do not believe a word he says. He will go EXTREMELY LOW and use every trick in the book to con you. I can assure you, he is absolutely 100% a con artist.

    I am very very surprised the FBI has not caught this guy yet. I would suspect he is high on the FBI fraud list and it is only a matter of time before he is busted. If you do business with him, I can assure you he will DESTROY your life and walk away with millions as you can already see from your spreadsheet. There will be no chance of recovering anything once he is in jail.

    Take care

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