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What you must know when subdividing property

Date: 12/01/2014

The Basics of Subdivision

Subdivision is when a section of land is split up into two or more allotments to create separate spaces or adjusting a boundary between neighbouring lots of property.
If carried out correctly and under the right conditions – the subdividing property strategy can be a lucrative way to add value to your investment portfolio.
There are many factors that can affect the process of subdivision so it is advisable to do your research and proceed with care.

what you must know when subdividing property

What do I need to know before I begin a subdivision?

Subdivision can be a lengthy, complex and expensive process so it is advisable to enlist the advice of an experienced surveyor or conveyancer to suss out local regulations and required permits for the procedure.
Determining local requirements such as minimum lot size and storm drain regulations are pivotal in a decision about whether or not a subdivision is possible and worth the cost of the investment.
As requirements vary depending on council regulations and state laws, it is very important to commence a strategy appropriate to the community where you intend to create a subdivision.

How do I get approval for a subdivision?

Once you have determined that a subdivision is possible, the next step is to draft detailed plans and fill out an application form to get approval from local council.
There is often a notice of your intentions posted for the public to allow any objections to be heard before a certain date.
It is best to factor in long wait times and the costs associated with a lengthy process as many elements beyond your control can affect the progress of an application.

Preparing for subdivision

Simply being aware of the potential pitfalls associated with the subdividing property process may help you to avoid them completely – or at least handle them effectively.

Subdividing property can add more than significant value to your property and bring you great returns.
Like most investment projects, the best approach is to do your research and re-evaluate at each stage in the process to ensure the most positive outcome and to maximise potential value.
Profile photo of Steve McKnight

By Steve McKnight

Steve McKnight, the founder of, is a respected property investing authority as well as Australia's #1 best-selling business author.


  1. Profile photo of bob

    I know that I can subdivide my block but hears its about $20k to cut in half & builder said do it yourself & bout$7k
    Is there advisers for subdividing?
    what is the best way to find step by step info on subdividing?


  1. […] to the property than actual cost, and then sell it for a profit. This might be achieved through a subdivision, development, or […]

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