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  • Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    Not the brightest bunch but they do pay on time :)

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 396

    I recently had a tenant complain to my property manager that the lounge room light was too bright. Hopefully your tenants are more civilised than mine :)

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    It's a terrible idea to borrow money to borrow money. If money is a problem have you looked at refinancing to free up some equity or had a look at a joint venture or Vendor Financing? 

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    I'm with Catalyst on the cheaper sides of things. If the market turns how much more do you think a 150k house can fall compared to a 500k house. Theres not a lot of room to go backwards and best case it stays stagnant and you still have your cashflow. As other posters have stated it depends on your strategy whether cashflow or capital growth and your end goal.

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    You need to seek legal help immediately. This happens way to often and it can take forever get these people out. If the utility bills are in your name than you are in big trouble from the financial side. If the water/electricity is in your name I'd consider cutting it straight away and see how long they can last with no hot water and electricity. I know it sucks with it been a family member but it is your money that you are losing. The government has plenty of houses for people in these situations. They made the choice not to pay you rent.

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    Cosmetic would be the best option.Cheap things like light fittings,door handles, blinds, mirrors and tidy up the gardens lawn. They are cheap and effective ways and you'll still have money behind you which will also help.

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    Painting and carpets would be an idea to increase value. I wouldn't see much point in a second bathroom in a 2bedroom house or a veranda(unless you built it yourself it would be expensive and i don't think you'd get the equity back from it) . Have you considered a 3rd bedroom. Sometimes the cheapest and smallest thing can add value so scope out homes in your area and see what styles are selling high and why

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    I 'toad'ally like that idea…bazinga

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    I'd go for CG in your first purchase. Just to start off strong. It doesn't mean you can't have both though. Renovations/deceased estates are great ways to boost cashflow and purchase under market value

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    That is extremely expensive for a lounge room…we had our upstairs stairs/3 bedrooms and a entertainment room done for $1540(the carpet is good quality too). $780 off that was just the stairs have you looked at putting floating floorboards in? Im by no means a handyman but it is super easy to install yourself, looks good, very cheap and easy to clean compared to carpet. Hope this helps.

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 396
    Catalyst wrote:
    The Dark Knight wrote:
    I invest heavily in albury region.


    Hi Catalyst,
    I know its not going to be a massive hot spot or boom overnight but its an area that has plenty of potential for medium to long term growth also all the properties I have there are 9.8 or higher yields(good cash flow with current interest rates)and the pricing fits my critera. Its got a lot of minor infrastructure projects happening with a 65million dollar oncology centre been built and ready for completion in 2015(most likely 2016 knowing goverment projects) also they are predicting the population to grow by 30% in 20 years

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    As Jamie said I'd try and keep all IP related expenses out of the LOC otherwise thing will get messy at tax time

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    I invest heavily in albury region. Prices have grown a little but I think thats more due to investor activity(thanks to low interest rates). Depends on budget but there are plenty of opportunities there. They don’t have any major infrastructure work planned but they have a large number of smaller projects in the pipeline

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    Ive done the management my self before and it can be worthwhile financially but it can take up your time. If youve got plenty of free time id recommend it if not id say just say property manager but do interviews to try and locate a good one. Don’t want to sound rude but if you find a bitchy property manager they probably aren’t going to put up with a crappy tenants nonsense which is what you want :)

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 396

    The idea of borrowing money to borrow money is never a good idea. Have you thought about a JV with a family or good friend.

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    As my username states i love anything batman and this harry dent guy sounds suspiciously like harvey dent so i automatically don't trust him. On a serious note though things like this pop up all the time. I wouldn't read too much into it negative news is always the best news. Ive found the best way to build a portfolio is by been positive :)

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
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    Post Count: 396

    As above said sell the one with the most equity or the most troublesome(annoying tenants)lol Sydney is ridiculously overpriced so you'll get a quick sale and personally in my view a overpriced sale. Pay down your debt and live off rents/cashflow. Another option could be to vendor finance and get some extra cashflow.

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 396

    Hi Dezability,
    Just curious did you have trouble with finance. I remember a while back even if you did pay a 20% deposit you still had to jump through hoops to get it across the line. Good work though and good luck with it all.

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 396

    I only have one jv and its with a mate but we have seperate loans. It doesn’t have that many faults as long as you and your partner have the same goals and plans.

    Pros: Easy to get your foot in the door
    Less capital needs to be put down

    Cons: Risk of partner defaulting
    Have to access equity with partner on title.

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
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    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

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