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  • Profile photo of InvestorInTrainingInvestorInTraining
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 26

    Hi there [exhappy]

    I am currently saving to purchase my first home, so have been looking for creative ways to save extra cash as well.
    If you work full-time, the best advise I can give you is to pack your own lunch – Dont eat out! I stopped doing this and am now saving an additional $50 per week.
    I also have starting offering to babysit my nephew and friends kids once a week. Just by looking after them for a couple of hours on a Friday night can give you an extra $50-$100 cash in hand.
    I also have a phone cap – however mine is with Optus – it is a $79 cap with up to $500 of included talk and text (this has saved me heaps!)

    Anyway hope some of these ideas have helped

    Profile photo of InvestorInTrainingInvestorInTraining
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 26

    [biggrin] Hey All,

    I am currently boarding in Moorooka, Brisbane. It is a lovely suburb about 10-15K out from the CBD. A nice quiet area thats very central.
    Any advice on 1st home purchases would be greatly appreciated, whether it be related to finance, good ares or anything really! Thanks [thumbsupanim]

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