All Topics / Forum Frolic / 3 Day Mega Conference opinion.

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  • Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1,253

    Hi all!

    At the risk of stealing SM's thunder I thought I would give everyone a day 1 update. (Sorry Steve )


    If you are not there you really have missed something big.

    So far stand outs have been Pat Mesiti and Peter Daniels with a huge great job to Elise Parker (can you please come do my office the same way, system queen).

    The other stand out was of course Steve McKnight who called us his audience at the Sizzling Selling talk…..'dead'!

    Thanks! My pallid Melbourne skin and red glowing eyes were not that obvious surely?

    So far information overload and wow, wow, wow!

    Yes little bit of selling but geez not as much as some other things I have been to!

    More to come tomorrow!

    BTW I have had my little vampire/doll/thing stuck to my lanyard and no one has said hi! (My other half mocked me for this repeatedly, said I was a nerd)

    This means two things,

    Either no one has seen it,

    or everyone is a bunch of chickens! Bock, bock, bock, LOL!

    Seeya tomorrow!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of magbofmagbof
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    Was there on day 1, disappointed that I actually paid to watch “infomercials”. Could have done that at the comfort of my home with less damage to the bank account.

    Todays talks ( apart from SMs) were nothing short of a PITCH FEST, designed to peddle their latest books, CDs,DVDs,home study courses at a “limited time offer” and questionable “bonuses”.
    I paid for the conference on the strength of SMs books and this website, but to be inundated with the peddling of dreams by these presenters with no educational value whatsoever was an insult.

    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
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    So Magbof… I’m sittng in Aussie johns spiel now! The sales pitcharama! Yesterday was ok today is ok so far with Dean Parker but this is just sell! Sorry Steve dunno where u found him! The wife is totally the brain with this guy running the pitch. Didn’t really love the women are only for shopping considering his wife is on stage doing the trading. Oh well 90 mins I can’t get back. He was happily talking up pat m so maybe a recommendation? Anyway will keep going!

    Magbof does that mean that u are not here today?


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of magbofmagbof
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    No, I have not attended today.

    I was planning to attend some of the talks, but decided I wouldn’t risk another ptich fest from the likes of Aussie Rob. I have seen his DVD previously and am not interested in buying his product.

    Obviously, it feels like a waste of money as I may miss some pearls on offer at the conference, but my feeling is that there are few and far between and I can spend my time more effectively elsewhere.

    Was Aussie Rob’s wife actually trading live today? Which market? Not even FOREX is open on Saturday Morning.
    As where SM found Aussie Rob, I would say that he is part of the “Millionaire” Circuit ( or is it Circus), which includes Meseti, Crutchfield ( who can do everything it seems from her website), Stevens – who is introduced by Meseti on her website.

    Shame, had high hopes that this conference would be highly educational.

    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
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    Well according to them she was funny how they never showed the trad just a big tick against a pic f tiffanys good spruik bunch of people were running to buy the cheap system! Cheap at just under 5 k with a “free” laptop! Man and I was down the front so couldn’t leave! I’ll keep everyone posted. The Alan bertacco was good but needed stacks more time and about a mile more detail:( shame they couldn’t have given him 90 mins. Sorry fo any spelling or grammer I am typing on an i



    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of magbofmagbof
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    LOL, must have a few ring-ins for the cheap system.

    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
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    Ok now I have a laptop! Shoulda called this thread something different!

    Day 2 wrap.

    Mostly good, once again if you do not know who Peter Daniels is find out. Genius.

    I will admit I skipped Mark Rolton (yeah boo me already) but just couldn't be bothered. Carly Crutchfield was good but didn't give anything away. She came right out and said that the reason she does the course/bootcamp etc was that she did deals with the students and that they found deals for her. Sooo pretty good when you have a bunch of people hunting deals for you. Not saying it is bad,good or other just saying.   I will say i have bought one product the Peter Daniels product (cry me a river people, I will break a buck). They will also have the recordings of some of the stuff for 20 bucks so I'll be getting a couple of those. Come along tommorrow Magbof you can sit with us!

    See you guys tomorrow.


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of milliondollarmaniacmilliondollarmaniac
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    This is what i had expected all these guys care about is pitching there next campaign, these guys don't make money from real estate any more they make there money from the public. You can learn more from this forum than from going to these pitch fests!!

    Profile photo of fatboy1730fatboy1730
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    I won’t be returning for Sunday. I am unhappy that I’ve had to sit through a series of pitches for products some of which have a tenuous connection to investing in property. The straw that broke the camel’s back was Aussie Rob. 90 minutes of fluff and pitch. What annoys me most is not the waste of my money or time but that I put off helping some people this weekend to attend a series of patronising infomercials.

    Profile photo of Matt007Matt007
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    pretty well all of these 'educational' seminars have little to no educational content at all. Its pure marketing and product hype in a high pressure and emotionally charged environment to manipulate people to make rushed decisions that they ordinarily wouldn't make in 'normal' circumstances. All of the NLP, music, presentation style, lighting.. if you know anything about that kind of thing and how to combine them they're very powerful tools, and personally I think in many cases it's misused. IT's all very carefully scripted and delivered and rehashed the Tony Robbins modality.

    I truly look forward to the day when seminar spruikers are held accountable for what they've done, and do, Whether that's ASIC or ACCC or whoever.. I tend to think both are as useless as each other.. but someone surely must make a stand.

    Profile photo of WizzardWizzard
    Join Date: 2006
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    Two days was enough! Last night, after two full days of giving this conference a chance to dig itself out of the pit of commercialism, I had to throw down my shovel and go home. :(
    To say I was disappointed is an understatement. While I feel the conference may be worthwhile for those fairly new to PI world, or may be “movitational” for the procrastinators out there, it has proved little more than a giant infomercial for this investor. Keynote speakers at times were like church revivalists, brainwashing us with their hype and handraising choruses of affirmations – all aimed towards the inevitable sales pitch for their product at the end of the address. This conference was advertised as being educational. Imagine if our universities were educating our doctors, scientists and engineers in this manner!!!!!!! I wanted, and paid for, information, education and facts. What I got was teasers, hype and fluff.
    Day Two was particularly “painful” – one workshop meant we only had one chance to personalize our conference experience – the rest of the time we were sheep to the sales-pitch slaughter. Aussie Rob was a stand out in all the wrong ways. How could it take 90 minutes to tell us nothing! If a 7 year old can do his “system”, why do we need to spend thousands of dollars on his product and spend hours listening to his CDs etc to learn it? What did he actually “teach” us that we wouldn’t learn in a 1 min ad on TV? Nothing, I suspect.
    While Carly Crutchfield was highly motivated herself, I have her DVD at home and just endured a live presentation of it! Why should I spend my money to see her present the same address live. One of the team told us that this was because “people learn in different ways and it helps some people hear it and see it live rather than on DVD or reading a book”!!! Bollocks to that!
    This conference needed shorter keynote addresses, NO sales hype allowed in addresses (leave that to the sales stands outside where we can choice whom to approach) and more workshops so we could personalize our experience and education.
    Dissatified, I won’t be going today. Having given up 2 work days already, I do not deem it to be smart use of my time to travel one hour each way to sit through more at the Church of PI Marketing.

    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
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    Well I think we have sparked some debate! I have now picked up quite a few good tips. No they are not new. But……. Through spending 3 days completely immersed in thinking about property my strategy is clear, action is needed, and money will flow. Aussie stooge was crap we all agree. Carly was spruik we all agree. But other session such as the hot spotting and the lawer (obrien) have been very good. There will be dream peddling, wh did you come if not to fulfill your dreams? Didn’t you gt one single idea, not one?

    I hear baaaa baaa the sound of sheep bleating, the sound of silence and the sound of inaction. What will you do now? ” oh the property conference was spruik i won’t do anything” as far as I am concerned in property I can probably make 500 bucks ridiculously quickly. The people who came and then actually did somethng after with the snippets of information will do well. The people who make excuses and whine will do nthing and go nowhere and play the blame game.

    Prsonally I will rip it up! Action stations people! And I know this post will be unpopular me and my iPhone are sitting in walk on a wild side at the moment!

    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
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    Hi all,

    I’m sitting in Pat Mesitis speech now. This is the sell. Plenty of talk about change circling aroun and around to the end result of the sell. He is very good do not get me wrong. I am looking toward to the q and a at the end anyone got any questions they want me to ask? Hehe.

    Oh and btw Finally found someone from here hi Sasha! Lol


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of magbofmagbof
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    No DWolfe, the property conference will not stop others from pursuing investment in property. It is that these people will not be using any of the spruikers which had control of this circus. To say there was one or two good speakers in a 3 day event indicates that this was at best- a poorly organised event, at worst a marketing exercise for the spruikers.

    Yes, we all have dreams. We all want a certain lifestyle, income and education. These dreams will not be fulfilled by any of these keynote speakers because none of these guys ever had our best interests at heart.

    Profile photo of WizzardWizzard
    Join Date: 2006
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    Well said magbof! 
    Action will occur – fear not DWolfe! You seem to think that we are in some way obliged to find the positive. I PAID for the positive to be delivered in spades – at best I got the odd whiff of mediocre.
    I too heard the sheep bleating. They were all standing, sitting and raising their hands on command, repeating mantra and dutiful "picking up what everyone was putting down!". That, DWolfe, is mob mentality. At least we had the guts to call it as we were seeing it, quit and using our time wisely this weekend. Today (Sunday) has been spent totally focussed on property – just not been sold to at the conference!
    Glad to hear you stuck it out and that you have found a few nuggets – all the best with your PI.

    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
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    Hi Wizzard, Hi Magbof,

    No I am just a generally bullish person so see a lot of positive where others do not.

    This is my wrap on the last day.

    Generally ok. The lawyers talks had more substance on creative investing than many of the other speakers. I had to get up and leave during the only other woman who was presenting. I was pretty annoyed at the way she appealed to the lowest common (male) denominator. With "box" jokes and "power tool" innuendo. She looked intelligent until she opened her mouth and derided her sex and lowered herself to a non threatening level. I left.

    If you look at the speakers and who they mention during their speeches this is the circle. Pat Mesiti is the kingpin and these are his cronies. He mentioned Mr Daniels but Mr Daniels did not mention him. No relationship there. Air headed (not very good) sales bimbo mentions Pat, Pat mentions her. Relationship. Whatever.

    I really needed overnight to sit and stew on this.

    I don't think It was completely a waste of time. 3 days spent away from our little kids (:() meant that we could strategise without many interruptions.

     I found that people who were associated with Steve (worked with, done results or whatever) were genuine, with good info and didn't try to sell their product or themselves. the others seemed to be ring ins to give more punch.

    Steve made it pretty clear in the church part of the day (and prayer) that his passions lay with the bible and his work with that. Look people may have started to smell something burning as the hair on my vampiric head started to singe, but everyone has their 'thing' some people like race horses or yachts or other worse things, so whatever.

    Li Cunxin was great and I would not have had the opportunity to see him speak otherwise so that was worth sitting through segments of day three.

    Yeah I did find a few nuggets. They were small nuggets but they might polish up ok. My other half seems to think there is a buck in these Tax Liens (leans lol) but since he has  a pretty good sense of smell when it comes to money then we'll have a crack.

    Wizzard you are on the money with the sheep and mob mentality.

    Oh well. I have signed on for next year so we'll see. If it is more of the same my tickets will be up for sale.

    Good luck everyone with their investing.


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of MarshesMarshes
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 33

    My 3 cents.

    I want to thank Steve for his prayers and for putting together a great conference.

    I was quite shocked when Steve gave his blessing to “Aussie” rob . At the end of aussie robs speech i felt awfully dirty. I could not tell everyone how surprised i was as people RUSHED to the front to buy his system.

    When i had the chance i changed my facebook status to simply say ” lemmings “. I thought it was a good fit.

    Apart from that my favourite speakers were ron white ( whose system i bought ) and carly.

    All in all i found the 3 day exercise useful and will be going to the next one.

    ( the above was written by someone who has 100% capital in shares and does not currently own a investment property )

    Profile photo of JanraycoJanrayco
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 15

    I am surprised at the negative opinions of people about the conference.Unfortunately I was not able to attend ( being mothers day, I stayed at home with kiddies) but sent my hubby (who is the straight thinkeing sceptical one) Each break he rang me to debrief and was quite positive and happy to be there. He tuned out the motivational speakers and such but was happy to listen to most speakers. We have a few investment properties and he came away with  ideas as to the direction we need to go to better our performance. He enjoyed the property systems seminar ,as are in the position of either renovation to better our selling price of one of our properties or seling as is. He also likes the idea of tax liens.  At each break he networked and got to talking to some interesting participants. We haven't had a proper chance to talk as he got home at 11.30 last night (we are in sydney) so I will be interested to hear what he has to say about the whole weekend.


    Profile photo of pominozpominoz
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    Just wanted to thank Steve and the team for putting the conference together, as people who are new to property investing this has been invaluable. There are a few people bagging the conference here, but I would say this event is what you make of it. The hardest part was probably just deciding what 'product' was best for you. From what I've been able to find out, the product that Aussie Rob sells DOES work, BUT you will need to put a lot more work into it than he was saying in his presentation. You also have to follow his process to the letter or you will get burned, and this is probably where some of the complaints come from. I didn't buy his product in the end because it was not what we were looking for. I believe Steve has done his homework and all these presenters and products are of definite value, just not to everyone. I've enrolled on the Results program and really excited about the opportunity that this will give us to sack our bosses :-)

    Profile photo of fatboy1730fatboy1730
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    I don’t want to get into a drawn out argument. My point is quite specific. I think I did not get my money’s worth. No more no less. I have paid 1% of the price to attend a property function, where it was made clear to me that I would be pitched to, and got more. So good was it in fact I went back the next year. I am far from a sceptic.
    There needed to be more meat in the sandwich to justify the price. I cannot comment about emotional or spiritual fulfillment as I went to learn. I certainly was motivated because the time away came at great cost.
    Perhaps a better system would be to break away more often to a wider range of smaller meatier presentations offering an alternative to the pitches to captive audiences. I don’t know what the solution is with something of this size but to make my point once more, my money and thus, I suppose, my time were wasted. I am finished on this topic.

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