All Topics / Heads Up! / FREE ticket to Steve McKnight’s Mega Conference commencing Friday 11 April in Melbourne

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  • Profile photo of dalefreodalefreo
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 38

    FREE ticket to Steve McKnight's Mega Conference commencing Friday Morning in Melbourne. I can't go – doctor's orders (bicycle/car collission this week that I lost). I would really love for somebody to go and get lots out of it.

    Please SMS me on 0412 859 763 or email me – the only condition is that you send me an email with some notes of what happened and tell me what you got out of it.

    GREAT OPPORTUNITY Even if you see this Friday after the event has started, don't give it – have a go to get there. SMS me.

    Dale 0412859763

    Profile photo of dalefreodalefreo
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 38

    The ticket has been claimed by Nora from the Results program – she was the 1st person to make direct contact with me on my mobile.

    Have a great time Nora and everyone else attend the 3 Day Mega Event.


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