I am new to property investing. I am a general practitioner and at the moment I am trying to buy a residential property and change the zoning to medical. I have done some due diligence in finding the right location close to where I have been practicing over the past 9 years. I have asked couple of developers to have a look at my proposed property for an estimate of cost. The proposed cost has been astronomical to my limited understanding of the cost involved.I was wondering whether anyone with expertise in this field could give me advices before I commit to anything.
I really appreciate any feedbacks.
Kind regards,
Thanks for your reply. No, I am looking for an experienced developer with a reasonable price for the project. I am dealing with someone who is quite experienced but he is expensive. I am QLD based. I do not have a DA approval yet. But the property is situated in a high order road with lots of frontage where according to the local private town planner is easy to obtain a DA approval based on the 2015 city town planing draft.
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Farhad.
Sounds like you need a turnkey solutions – which is for the person to ascertain the DA and CC and then develop, get the OC and hand you the keys – is that correct?
If the property is in QLD then its best to contact RPI from this forum – he would be able to put you onto the right people.