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  • Profile photo of newpupnewpup
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 7

    I can't seem to find a good one in central Queensland, does anyone know any good ones? I heard about, does anyone know anything about them or has anybody used them?
    I appreciate all you feedback, Thanks

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Guess it all depends if you want someone to take your money of you recommend some cross collateralised line of credit loan and then point you in the direction of an overpriced property.

    Sorry but i have too many ex Destiny clients that have been lead up the garden path with strategies that were inappropriate for their circumstances and had to spend time unraveling their positions.

    If you want to clarify a little more about what you are seeking i might be able to help you further.  

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    maybe one response is enough.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of newpupnewpup
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Richard thanks for your reply,
    Basically i own my own property, and have money just sitting in my bank, but i can't work any more due to a accident so i live on a pension. I am ok now with finances but as i am only in my early 20's i know in 5-10yrs i may need stronger assets to fall back on, and i feel that real estate is the best long term option.
    I don't want anyone to take control and as you point out take my money, or say "invest in this property', or 'i hope your blindfold isn't too tight', i am pretty untrusting when it to advisers. I may not be good at the property market, but i am good at research, and i research everything to death before i make a decision. I am looking at someone who can point me in the right direction and give me a list of places i should be looking, so i can go away do my research and look at every angle and make my own decision. Then once i am happy have them look over it and tell if is a good move or i shouldn't do it because of this reason.
    It's hard to find someone who isn't just out for themselves and a quick buck, i have looked at heaps of websites on choosing a adviser but i haven't come any closer on picking one.
    If anyone knows any good advisers who would be good for my situation in CQ could you give the heads up,

    Profile photo of MortgagePlusMortgagePlus
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 83

    Richard is right.

    Sometimes the best advice is free, and the worst is the most expensive.

    Some of these marketing groups do OK work, but there is a vast majrity that do not.

    Take your time to do a bit of research yourself, and learn as much as you can . Jump on the net, and look at what is out there.

    Then go out and seek some additional advice, and you will be better equipped to sort the crap form the wisdom.

    Besk of luck.

    Profile photo of WorkingOnItWorkingOnIt
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 16


    I have found by sheer luck an accountant who is an actual property investor himself and while we don't take his advice every time, if at all, at least we know that he knows the basics and understands our position from his investing point of view and an accounting point of view.

    And best of all,
    1) He does not advise us except on accounting matters.
    2) He is fee for service, like it should be.
    3) He takes no commissions or dodgy commissions or back handed deals.
    4) He doesn't try to sell us something under the disguise of being an adviser.
    5) He doesn't treat us like a Gym membership, ie: sign us up, take our money, treat us nice for a week then never help us again.
    6) He is one member of a team of professionals we are building to help us with the detailed stuff.

    My point being, you can build your own team without using an adviser/planner if you find the ones that are interested in the same thing you are, investing. 

    As for Destiny, like any others out there, one shoe does not fit all, research them against others and the different strategies out there.
    Also, each franchise will be run by different people of differing talents and self interests, try to find the best ones for you if you can.
    I, like many others I personally know out there have been conned by advisers we thought we had checked out thoroughly only to find out differently, so now we are self educating big time only to now come across a mountain of so called education products that most are beginning to stink (lets take your money and tell you nothing, but wait, pay more for our next course to be drip fed some info) and so on. 
    To be fair, some I researched were reasonable value for money and even a little inspirational.
    Fortunately  I hadn't spent anything on them but know someone who thought it was good enough to give it a go, with mixed results.
    If you can find people out there to genuinely help you along that aren't going to suck your finances out of you, then hang onto those people when you find them.

    Try to find (network with) people of similar interests in investing as you that have actually achieved what they set out to do or are in the process of learning but moving forward and trade tips and ideas and investigations.

    Eventually if you are set up correctly and genuinely interested enough you will learn how to run it yourself and only need to consult your fee for service people when needed.

    If I ever find a good, actually interested in me as a client, genuine fee for service, non commission taking, non dodgy deal taking, non back hander taking, trying to sell me stuff or con me into buying or selling stuff when the market is wrong adviser / planner again then yes I will use there services but until then I am certainly no fan of them at all.

    Sorry, I did get carried away a bit, but I hope you get the general idea.

    Profile photo of ScratchScratch
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 81

    Hi Peter,

    I am also in central qld, property advisers outside of the capital cities are rare, so rare I haven’t found one yet, and as you may have found advisers who trade in shares and managed funds are a dime a dozen. In light of that I have taken a slightly different approach, I have actively gone out and found people who are successful investors and spoken to them about their strategies, to try and find a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Anyway, I live and work in Mackay, if I find anyone in the near future, I’ll let you know.


    Profile photo of kattimakattima
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 15

    My recommendation would be to find an accountant in the area where you want to invest that focuses on that type of business.

    Profile photo of JamesbillsJamesbills
    Join Date: 2022
    Post Count: 0

    Hello Everyone, I recently shifted in Melbourne, Want to buy new home so I just want to consult with property Investment advisor, Can any one suggest?  Help will be appreciated :))

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Jamesbills Jamesbills.
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