All Topics / Help Needed! / Richmastery seminar
Hi guys,
I have recently received an e-mail info on Richmastery 3 day seminar in NZ for $4000 in realestate at end of October.I am not familiar with their reputation or the quality of their seminars.Has anybody ever attended their seminars and if so does it worth going and pay $4000?
i went to it last year in sydney, 4000 sounds like alot, i only paid 2500. be aware that the room will be packed. other than that it was pretty good. if you go, dont bother buying any of their software, its crap and its out of date.
shaunLead, Follow or get out of the bloody way
Hi There,
I also did their seminar last year I guess it was for 2800$ or so.
Worth or not depends what you know and what you want to learn. They teach all the simple strategies which I was knowing but could be good for people with no or little experience.I guess there were about 200 people.
[sultan]Mortgage Consultant
I didn’t go to the course but have attended a seminar that was held during Brad Sugars, week long, ET training last year. The guys are good and have a lot of info to share (they are both Brad Sugars Graduates) The software I bought at that stage is now out of date so beware. $4000 seems a lot of $$
Servant Heart
Thank you everybody for your input.I can make up my mind easier now.
Cheers,I went to their seminar last year. It was good, cos i was a beginner in property and didnt know much. Actually they cover quite a lot of topics, but not very thoroughly.
Has a bunch of different speakers for diff topics.
Make you wake up at 5am in the morning and go to sleep at 1am to make you feel your money is worth it by giving extra hours.
BUt the lack of sleep makes you cant concentrate for the next 3 days…***********************
Yes as fullout said. Really long hours. Another thing I didn’t like in the seminar is you don’t get time to talk to any one as you are always busy finding deals etc ( a game you play in seminar).
PropertyGuRu [sultan]
Mortgage Consultant
[email protected]NZ loans and pre approval from 7.99%
I paid $2500 ish. It was my second and last seminar for some time. I didnt bother with the last day because I just got sick of the childish game with hours, and I dont really need to learn a lesson about property by restricting hours, so I didnt bother to attend day 3. The first two days were ok, it was worth the $2500 but $4k is far too high.
Of course, its great for beginners but if you feel that the hours are no good by the third day, dont beat yourself up about it.
As property advocates outside NZ, forget it, their stock is not good quality.
NOt to mention the $ fines for not following their silly rules (eg no mobile phone, NO GOING TO TOILETS $50 ouch! etc).
Plus make you play silly games with money bets. In one game, they said ” Ok everyone group together at this side of the room, take out a $5 note”. Then they asked us to play “clap and pass the 5 dollar!” No instructions given, nor rules, they just ask us to pass it “NOW”
– you all hold it up in the air, pass to another person, and then at the same time take anoter person’s $5. Some people take $5 but didnt pass theirs. Some passed and didnt get passed to. Some didnt have $5 and had to use $50 notes. This went on for about 20 seconds, then they said “STOP! The money in your hand is yours”.
Then in the end they asked who didnt have anymore $5.A few got lots of $5. Others didnt. SOme people lost $50.
THey later said “You could say you dont want to join the game. I merely said everyone gather up there, i didnt say you ‘must’. The moral of the stupid game – grab the money you can, dont play by the rules when there are no rules given.
Hi guys,
I have a friend who went to it in Brisbane and had a video set of the seminar. I kept falling asleep watching it as like people say there is a bit of ‘speaker’ and then a LOT of watching them play the game ad nauseum (properties posted around the walls of the room, you do pretend property investing and there are some that are CF+ve and some that are CG, you have to grow your pretend portfolio and the winner gets 10k of real money) – it’s as if whenever the organisers sense people’s energy levels dropping they call the game for a bit. And play loud ‘motivating ‘ pop music i.e. “absolutely everybody”.
I haven’t been to Antony Robbins but I am sure they are copying american ‘seminar strategies’.
OK as to the content of the tapes, the main guys are Phil Jones and David Howes. Phil Jones has an unfortunate unhappy kind of smirky scowl which I’m sure he thinks is a smile and really he doesn’t look like he’s having the best time presenting so I found him hard to watch.david howes I found easier to watch, a bit brainier and quieter and nicer, that was just my vibe
also they are slightly of the ‘how to screw down the vendor’ at times and I would say bordering on the unethical. i would have to watch it again and get actual quotes (which I can so not be bothered doing) but their style does smack a bit of the ‘get as many bums on seats as we can, get the past attendees as free labour, and laugh all the way to the bank’ kind of thing. Compared to a Steve seminar which is of a much higher vibration and tells you how to ‘create’ wealth rather than to ‘get it’ or ‘buy it’ by screwing down someone who’s selling.
However if you were a beginner and in ‘analysis paralysis’ you may gain confidence and knowledge by going to a seminar, and it might just be the thing to set you on your way to taking action. I know that for me it was steve’s seminar that was the deciding factor to make me go and actually find deals after the seminar and buy them, not just go read another book.
I just realised then ‘oK i geddit’ and went and started. The first deal is the hardest and after that it’s a piece of cake. honest!
joy to the world
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