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  • wobblysquare replied to the topic Borrowing Capacity Formula in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 6 months ago

    I would go variable as we get a good discount off the rate. Surely someone can give us an idea.

  • wobblysquare replied to the topic Trashed house in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 6 months ago

    Very interested to hear how this all goes for you in the end. In particular – what the Insurer pays (and doesnt), including reasons why not- what is recouped from previous RE PM (and how)- bond situationAgree with Tools comment, although i know it is easy to say as a bystander and not so easy to do when you are caught up in the middle of it all.…[Read more]

  • wobblysquare replied to the topic Property Manager – Annerley, QLD in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 8 months ago

    No – but is a definte student zone…so good manager essential

  • wobblysquare replied to the topic Is there a better deal out there? in the forum Exit Fees, why would i 14 years ago

    Exit Fees, why would i pay?If PMG (or whoever i borrow money from) goes under, why would i be expected to pay exit fees? If a new group takes on their mortgage portfolio wouldnt it be with the same conditions (that i signed under). If no-one takes on their mortgage portfolio where does that leave me…don't i have to just refinance as i like? I am…[Read more]


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