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  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 5 months ago

    parknine wrote:
    Hi, I have just attended a  Phil Anderson event in Melbourne.  I wanted to hear from anyone who has any experience with him.  I can see the last post was very positive.  I would love to know how 'volitans' feels after another 14 months.Thanks 

    Well it's not quite 14 months but as I don't get on to this forum as much as I shou…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 3 months ago

    Sorry 'Rebuilding' for taking so long but after the attacks I don't visit here too much (I don't need crap or to justify myself to know it all cynics & hypocrits).Anyway, 'where I'm at' – I now have 1 'Lifecorp' provided property which is cashflow +'ve and is everything promised.  I have gone halves with my daughter in another (both in regional…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 2 months ago

    Hi all,Back again after a fair time away so apologies if anyone was awaiting an update.Yossarian must have been reading my mind.  2 days did give me some time to consider what I'd bought but to extend a bit….I have now had this property 2 months.  The only things more time will show is the quality of the construction (not a lifecorp function) a…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 4 months ago

    OK, its been a while but here is an update on MY dealings with Lifecorp – THIS NOT A RECOMMENDATION JUST MY OPINIONS AND A FACTUAL ACCOUNT OF WHAT HAS HAPPENED.2 days ago I settled on a property shown to me by Lifecorp. EVERYTHING they have spoken of has rung true though I am yet to receive the cashback (that many devlopers offer the public) that…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic $92,000 fee to exit fixed loan! in the forum Finance 15 years, 8 months ago

    I know this is too late for the original poster of this thread but I have a similar story with a twist worth keeping in mind for anyone with a fixed loan.I too had a 5 year fixed (investment) home loan for $420k .  Due to a change in circumstances I needed to offload the property & break the fixed term.  The break fee was going to be around $7…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Philip,Sorry for delay. Have spent weekend in Sydney at Rich Dad, Poor Dad 'Seminar' and just returned. (Will review pathetic seminar in another thread)Anyway Philip I don't disagree with you comments on Nelson Bay. I used to fish there 30 years ago and that's all I know about it so won't comment on 'that' deal.  The events as you tell t…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 8 months ago

    I just remembered something else that Phil Anderson of Lifecorp spoke of in his public meeting last week.  If I had mentioned this a few days back when I found out it might have saved some debating.  I should have remembered this earlier but in his new presentation Phil has accepted that most people are sceptics who will ask "what's in it for h…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 8 months ago

    Thank you Philip for some good advice (or is that 'advise' – lol).  This is the sort of thing I expect from a forum.All night I have been wrestling with my own replies to this thread and I retract none of what I have said but sincerely hope that in the drawn out response that my true message wasn't lost.My message is that a first time enquirer…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 8 months ago

    See Richard again you miss the point!How about I call you a fake (because I can), fail to substantiate my claim, then twist your statements to suit my ego?Do you always throw accusations at people you are "slightly suspicious" of first time they contribute?  Good way to make newcomers feel welcome to keep coming back!Do you always criticise ot…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 8 months ago

    OK Guys,

    Sorry to take so long to reply but I musn't have my prefs set right as I didn't get notification of any further additions to the thread so I hadn't checked it.  I apologise for the length of this post too but with an open mind you'll read why it's so long.Also I'll add that the major flaw in e-discussions is that voice tonation is not…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 8 months ago

    OK Guys,

    Sorry to take so long to reply but I musn't have my prefs set right as I didn't get notification of any further additions to the thread so I hadn't checked it.  I apologise for the length of this post too but with an open mind you'll read why it's so long.Also I'll add that the major flaw in e-discussions is that voice tonation is not…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum OK Guys,Sorry to take so 15 years, 8 months ago

    OK Guys,

    Sorry to take so long to reply but I musn't have my prefs set right as I didn't get notification of any further additions to the thread so I hadn't checked it.  I apologise for the length of this post too but with an open mind you'll read why it's so long.Also I'll add that the major flaw in e-discussions is that voice tonation is not…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 8 months ago

    OK Guys,Sorry to take so long to reply but I musn't have my prefs set right as I didn't get notification of any further additions to the thread so I hadn't checked it.  I apologise for the length of this post too but with an open mind you'll read why it's so long.Also I'll add that the major flaw in e-discussions is that voice tonation is not…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 9 months ago

    No Richard I am NOT a Lifecorp plant and you seem to reaffirm what was SHales was saying. You are a cynic.I have nothing whatsoever to do with Lifecorp except that I too am investigating (due diligence) what they are about.  I earn a living just buying,renovating then selling hence my interest in lifecorp.Again I issue my question to you – On…[Read more]

  • volitans replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 10 months ago

    I'm with you SHales. I notice Richard went quiet after your observation.I too have just started to look into Lifecorp and am naturally curious as well but if they deliver what they promise I don't care how much they make.Richard (if you are reading this) on what basis did you form your opinion?  Knowledge or suspicion? Please elaborate on your…


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