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  • Susie40 replied to the topic GE Money sells mortgage managers short in the forum Finance 16 years, 3 months ago

    JaideeYes l have taken that into consideration but it shouldn't be an issue for me. I was looking at One Direct (ANZ only online) which have a variable rate (& comparison rate) of 7.55%. There are also fixed rates of 6.99% going around as well. Also only $310 max to switch over (assuming no LMI) & no ongoing fees. Hopefully l might get it right t…[Read more]

  • Susie40 replied to the topic GE Money sells mortgage managers short in the forum Finance 16 years, 3 months ago

    I'm with GE too and was just looking at transferring out before all this happened. Was quoted a $3,470 exit fee. Man, wouldn't it be nice if the exit fee was waived and i could get a rate 2% cheaper than l'm on currently!!  It would certainly take the pressure off.

  • Susie40 replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 16 years, 3 months ago

    No, not a lodoc loan. Full documentation provided. Might start looking around. Cheers

  • Susie40 replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 16 years, 3 months ago

    I just got of the phone from my mortgage provider only to be told that none of the 1% cut that happened earlier this month will be passed on to me :-(. Currently with GE on variable rate of 9.55%. Thinking of refinancing but $3,470 penalty fee if l do. Wish l'd known better when l trusted this mortgage broker. Not sure whether to ride it out for a…[Read more]

  • Susie40 replied to the topic Painting Advice Needed from Seasoned Renovators Please! in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Cat159Thanks for the advice. You are certainly right that JV's are a lot of work. I like the idea of gyprock and jv together. Will try and have a go myself.Thanks again.Cheers

  • Susie40 started the topic Painting Advice Needed from Seasoned Renovators Please! in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 5 months ago

    Hi All

    Just wanting some advice please as to painting a queenslander that l live in (PPOR). I've ripped out the old kitchen and polished the floor boards and now want to paint the walls before putting a new kitchen in. They are vj with about 6 layers of paint and in poor condition. What is the best option for me to bring up to scratch. Paint…[Read more]

  • Susie40 replied to the topic Where can I buy flat pack kitchen ? (like ikea but better) in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 7 months ago

    Hi suavemechanicCould you give me a few more details of these guys. I knocked down my old kitchen over 6 months ago and sanded the floors but am looking at putting one in very shortly. Do they have a website?CheersSuzie

  • Susie40 replied to the topic Dolf De Roos Mentoring Program in the forum Heads Up! 16 years, 9 months ago

    Hi KarenThanks for the feedback. It sounds so much like what l went through. They are very good at grooming you into wanting it. I sent them an e-mail saying thanks but no thanks. They replied and were not too happy, saying that l hadn't spoken to anyone that had completed their program so my opinion was not well researched. Funny, considering l…[Read more]


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