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  • Shanus replied to the topic Convert PPOR to IP…Am I doing it right? in the forum Finance 10 years, 5 months ago


    Yeah it is in my wife and my name.

    So what do I do now? The refinance hasn’t happened yet, should I redraw that $50k and put it in my everyday bank account for now?

  • Shanus started the topic Convert PPOR to IP…Am I doing it right? in the forum Finance 10 years, 5 months ago

    Hi all,

    The details:

    Purchased unit in March 2010 for $327k, and we are currently still living in it. Planning to move closer to Melbourne CBD and rent and converting our unit to IP. The current loan does not have an offset facility and we are paying P&I. I know that was wrong in hindsight but didn’t know any better back then.

    The current…[Read more]

  • Shanus replied to the topic Dallas, VIC 3047 in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 8 months ago

    I live in Glenroy, not too far from Dallas. It is a very undesirable area, a lot of commission houses, and poor tenants. I think the whole area might just be in the 'too hard' basket for council and government to make any improvements. It's hard to imagine it would have the same kind of growth that nearby areas such as Broadmeadows have had.


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