scotty1 replied to the topic spill the beans ppl……..plz? in the forum General Property 21 years, 4 months ago
I still use the internet property sites such as Real, as a starting point, then I do the research via Australian Bureau of Statistics, local council web sites with their future plans for the town/city. I also do a search function on various forums including the Somersoft forum which has some valuable information (such as soil…[Read more]
scotty1 replied to the topic Need a Solicitor in Mackay – any suggestions in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 4 months ago
I have bought 3 properties in Cairns and myself and many of my investor buddies use Sue Williams from Lee Williams and Associates. Reasonable fees and good service. Phone 07 40544366. Fax 07 40547637. Regards, Scotty.
scotty1 replied to the topic Ed Burton + Hans Jacobi in the forum No Subject 21 years, 4 months ago
I purchased Hans Jakobis cash flow property course ‘super secrets to wealth’ after reading his book ‘How to be rich and happy’. I met Hans at the October 2002 Melbourne property investment expo (that expo is on again this October 17-19). After listening to his tapes several times, My wife and I flew to Cairns last November, bought 3 properties,…[Read more]
scotty1 replied to the topic Collie W Australia in the forum General Property 21 years, 4 months ago
Whats up with you guys? You got a problem helping others? I thought this forum was here so we could share info. Sure I did heaps of hours searching the net, (many times until 3am in the morning)the ABS suburb snapshots, many phone calls to local agents etc and then took my wife and 2 kids to W.A Cost me heaps, but I got some good deals. Its my…[Read more]
scotty1 replied to the topic Collie W Australia in the forum General Property 21 years, 4 months ago
Just back two weeks ago from an interstate trip to Collie, Bunbury and then Kalgoorlie. No positive cashflow in Bunbury although potentioal for capital growth and I liked the large town. Looked at about 6 properties (houses and units) in Collie. Unfortunately the rents didnt match the 10.4% returns in relation to the asking prices. For example…[Read more]
scotty1 replied to the topic Dale Gatherum-Goss at Footscray -hybrid trusts in the forum Opinionated! 21 years, 4 months ago
Sure, my email is [email protected] Regards, Scotty.
scotty1 replied to the topic Positive Cashflow properties in Western Australia? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago
Try Kalgoorlie. Just got back to Melbourne 2 weeks ago from a trip to Bunbury, Collie and Kalgoorlie. Forget Bunbury, the most you will get there is about 7-8%, but might be good for capital growth. Collie didnt do much for me and again returns were about 8%. Found heaps of 9 to 10.5% yields in Kalgoorlie (population approx 30000. Wages are high.…[Read more]