sam2009856 replied to the topic Perth booming again? in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago
sam2009856 replied to the topic Adelaide – 6 months in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 10 months ago
Hi TranceAdelaide has had significant capital growth in the past 12 months. I had a few of my properties go up 40% (rubbish area too).I can see that you may be feeling that the prices will continue to grow because of the new mine sites opening up.I always buy in cities where i know I will have sustainable and ongoing growth on a permanent b…[Read more]
sam2009856 replied to the topic buying property with structural damage in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 10 months ago
Hi ShelenDoesnt sound too good if the slab is sinking. When you say a good buy, what are you comparing it too?I would def get a building inspector in there.You need to find out how much it will cost to rebuild the second half of the propety in the event it does continue sinking. Also, what are your plans for the property, if you plan to sell it…[Read more]
sam2009856 replied to the topic The property that can’t be sold. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi GeoffThat must be frustating having a property on the market for so long.Sorry I know nothing about the area your property is located in……however, do you know who your target market will be to sell too, would that not determine what you would do to the property and how you will present it.Whenever I do a renov or subdivision, I always con…[Read more]
sam2009856 replied to the topic Taking advantage of zoning changes in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 1 month ago
HelloFirstly, none of us are average and secondly, you can do anything esp if others have done it before you.I do not know what state you are from but in W.A. we have state residential design codes and this tells us what we can do with the land. I am sure that your state would have something of a similar nature, see eg…[Read more]
sam2009856 replied to the topic WHERE DO I START? – HAVE FRIEND WHO HAS NEGATIVELY GEARED PROPERTY FOR SALE 10MINS FROM MELBOURNE in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago
DanutaGreat to hear you are getting excited about property. It is a brilliant game and you learn so much about the world and people the more you dabble.Your post is a little confusing.Are you asking the forum if you should consider buying one of your friends properties OR are you asking us if we would be interested in buying?
sam2009856 replied to the topic Only 17, where do i start ? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago
Yes, I think you have thought out a plan.. you want to become a plumber, start earning full time income asap and reduce living expenses by living with your mum for a few more years… thats great.The bank would still be the lender but your mother would become the guarantor, meaning, if you did not make the repayments, she would be liable for…[Read more]
sam2009856 replied to the topic Only 17, where do i start ? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi wdemirdonder The job you pick should be your passion. What are you passionate about????My partner works in the W.A. mines, I think you may be a little too young…. you would need to work cooking or cleaning if you wanted get in now. ESS is a company that would place you in these sorts of roles.It also depends what you want for the fu…[Read more]
sam2009856 replied to the topic Only 17, where do i start ? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago
wdemirdonder I got started when I was 20 but only because my mother forced me to buy a property, that horrible women LOLShe gave me the deposit and drove me to the front of a house. I was working full time and could afford the repayments.When I hit mid 20s.. I had built up so much equity, I used that to buy 3 more properties and then they went u…[Read more]
sam2009856 replied to the topic Subdividing in Logan City – QLD in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi KuadeI have not subdivided land in QLD but have done so in WA.The only way you are going to work out whether the profit is there is to number crunch!!! First work out what your end product will be and what the gross sales will be and then take away all your costs to get in.For eg in W.A. when I am looking at a site, I call the local shire and…[Read more]
sam2009856 replied to the topic Only 17, where do i start ? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago
wdemirdonder WOWYou are amazing…. how we could all only wish to have started thinking like you at 17 year of age. Who has inspired you or where did you get your inspiration from???You could easily retire at 30 and be set for life if you keep thinking this way. Dont let anything get in your way and do not get side tracked..stay on this path.Well done~
sam2009856 replied to the topic Becoming a mortgage broker in the forum Finance 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi ChrisYour story is exactly the same as mine.I have been stuffed around by so many brokers, its crazy that they get property investors who buy properties constantly and dont have the brains to look after them. They want to make a quick buck and forget about the long term gain.Sorry to any of you brokers out there, i am sure there are good ones…[Read more]
sam2009856 replied to the topic Looking for IP SAVVY broker/s in Melb willing to offer something (eg: Commission or Trade) for leads in the forum Finance 17 years, 1 month ago
LOLI wasnt paying attention and kept hitting post :>How do you delete?
sam2009856 replied to the topic Adelaide or Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago
Hey EllerDo you know the QLD is predicated to have the highest population growth in the next 50 years.I think QLD is the best place to invest long term. Esp SE QLD….. running out of land in between the ocean and hills :>I think Adelaide is a good short term investing place but long term, very average.Wish we had crystal balls. Good luck
sam2009856 replied to the topic Looking for IP SAVVY broker/s in Melb willing to offer something (eg: Commission or Trade) for leads in the forum Finance 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi Happy HomesWhat state are you located in? and does the Finance Broker/Team have to be in the same state as yourself?
sam2009856 replied to the topic Looking for IP SAVVY broker/s in Melb willing to offer something (eg: Commission or Trade) for leads in the forum Finance 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi Happy HomesWhat state are you located in? and does the Finance Broker/Team have to be in the same state as yourself?
sam2009856 replied to the topic Looking for IP SAVVY broker/s in Melb willing to offer something (eg: Commission or Trade) for leads in the forum Finance 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi Happy HomesWhat state are you located in? and does the Finance Broker/Team have to be in the same state as yourself?
sam2009856 replied to the topic Looking for IP SAVVY broker/s in Melb willing to offer something (eg: Commission or Trade) for leads in the forum Finance 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi Happy HomesWhat state are you located in? and does the Finance Broker/Team have to be in the same state as yourself?
sam2009856 replied to the topic Looking for IP SAVVY broker/s in Melb willing to offer something (eg: Commission or Trade) for leads in the forum Finance 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi Happy HomesWhat state are you located in? and does the Finance Broker/Team have to be in the same state as yourself?
sam2009856 replied to the topic Looking for IP SAVVY broker/s in Melb willing to offer something (eg: Commission or Trade) for leads in the forum Finance 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi Happy HomesWhat state are you located in? and does the Finance Broker/Team have to be in the same state as yourself?
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