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  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Getting a mortgage for an overseas property in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 11 months ago

    thanks for that Terry.


  • rudo1ph replied to the topic 300k SE Qld looking to buy first IP in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    I am also looking at these areas – my primary focus is on capital growth. Has anyone got any further recommendations?

    These are the suburbs I am interested in:

    Augustine Heights
    Bellbird Park
    Carole Park
    Springfield Lakes

    If anyone has any advice for me I would be very grateful. I already have 2 IPs…[Read more]

  • rudo1ph started the topic Getting a mortgage for an overseas property in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 11 months ago

    I am looking at buying a property in the UK. I may have the cash to do it, but if I needed a small mortgage, who could I approach about it? Would I need to talk to the banks in the UK or would an Australian bank loan me money?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.


  • I am not quite at this stage yet but will be in a few weeks.  Why do you need to put down tile underlay and fibro on the walls?  I had assumed I could chip out the old tiles and make sure the floor was level, reseal the floor and then lay tiles………….Am I dreaming here?Rudi

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Can you re-surface a bath yourself? in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for that…..went onto the White Knight website and found the product you mentioned…… "WHITE KNIGHT TUB ‘n‘ TILE EPOXY ENAMEL refinishes bath tubs, wash basins, laundry tubs, porcelain and metal surfaces with gleaming new colour. Transforms unsightly surfaces to a brilliant tile-like finish." Sounds perfect!!Has anyone used this?  Is i…[Read more]

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Which brand of paint do people recommend? in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 3 months ago

    Ah well there's the thing……..the original plan was buy, reno, sell, but I think the way the market is at the moment we may end up renting it out for a while, so the paint will need to stand the test of time a bit.  Having said that, before we sell, after renting it out it would probably need a quick paint up anyway……….Rudi

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Legal matters of renting… in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    I would have thought that you can reject a tenant for any reason you want – if you own the property then you can decide who you rent it to.Also, I would not have thought that there is a "law" about references.  We have always owned our own home – for the last 20 years in fact but have recently started renting.  We did not have any references f…[Read more]

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Perth booming again? in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    What Harb said

    hbbehrendorff wrote:

    rudo1ph wrote:

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    I would appreciate if misinformed people do not start throwing insults because the truth is to unbelieve to believe, If you really think I'm that wrong support your argument with facts not character defamation

    I think that's what called the pot calling the kettle…[Read more]

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Perth booming again? in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    I would appreciate if misinformed people do not start throwing insults because the truth is to unbelieve to believe, If you really think I'm that wrong support your argument with facts not character defamation

    I think that's what called the pot calling the kettle black.

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Whatever happened to Scamp? in the forum Forum Frolic 16 years, 4 months ago

    Not where I live.  And did I say that specifically? If you read my post I said "at times".Thanks for your very useful and considered response….hmmmm….must have missed that bit, to the question I actually asked.Rudi.

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Is there such a product…..? in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 5 months ago

    HiThanks for the responses.  Blueboard sounds like the perfect product.Thanks for that info as well Scott – the previous owners had planned to do the same as us and had already obtained planning stuff from the council and laid a new slab etc with approval, so hopfully that covers the other issues.Rudi

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Are you renovating legally? How? in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 5 months ago

    Hmmmm, this is very interesting, and disturbing.So what you are basically saying is that if I buy a property, rennovate it myself for say $10000, but if I'd emplyoed someone to do the reno for me it would have cost $15000, I am doing the work illegally?Surely there are 1000's of people who are doing this.  It's not hard to spend $11000 (the limit…[Read more]

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Borowing to Buy(invest) Properties overseas in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 5 months ago

    OK, so please be gentle…..I am just trying to understand all this……I am considering buying a property in Asia.  I do have savings and could use these, but I would rather not tie up all my savings in a purchase.  So therefore I want to borrow money.Reading above I cannot get a standard mortgage from and Aussie institution to buy a purchase a…[Read more]

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Cambodia in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 5 months ago

    HiI have looked into this as well.  As a foreign investor you are not allowed to own land, unless you are in partnership with a Cambodian Citizen – or 2 really – as you are only allowed a controlling interest in 49%, so you split the other 51% between the two others (so you retain the majority share) – it's all a bit complicated, but not i…[Read more]

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Cambodia in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 5 months ago

    HiI have looked into this as well.  As a foreign investor you are not allowed to own land, unless you are in partnership with a Cambodian Citizen – or 2 really – as you are only allowed a controlling interest in 49%, so you split the other 51% between the two others (so you retain the majority share) – it's all a bit complicated, but not i…[Read more]

  • Hi TerryYes, we are in Qld.  The property would be ok to live in it's just tiny though and would be very difficult to live in with the kids.  I think it really depends on how long we have to live there.  We could rent it out for a while, then move in for a short time whilst we rennovate, or just move in to satisfy the legal requirement to do so…[Read more]

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Best free info ever from Residex in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 6 months ago

    Looking at it, some prices seem quite accurate compared to what the houses are currently on the market for in my area, but others seem way out.  Some house I have been quite interested in are bang in the middle of the range they suggest and yet  I know one house I just bought is estimated at $130k to $209 more than what I have paid for it. (…[Read more]

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Best free info ever from Residex in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 6 months ago

    I just had a look at this and it looks interesting.  What does it mean though?  It seems to give you a price for a house – is this an estimated market value or something else?  What is the information based on?ThanksRudi

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic How do people “know” what the market is going to do? in the forum General Property 16 years, 6 months ago

    Scamp wrote:
    and you're in love with a house, 

    Buying an investment property is not about falling in love with a house – that's what you do with your home.  It's about seeing an opportunity and making it work for you.Just my opinionRudi

  • rudo1ph replied to the topic Foreclosure Listings in the forum General Property 16 years, 6 months ago

    So I've spent hours looking for these things…..where and how do you find them?  I have googled and googled, with all sorts of different search options and whilst I find lots of interesting information about the sales, I cannot find information about ACTUAL sales……so anyone care to point me in the right direction?ThanksRudi

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