rob-wa replied to the topic EOS Property Group – North Perth? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 11 months ago
Just checked their website, the East Perth apartments are in Windsor st, now "Sold Out"
Its not North Perth The area can be defined as "Perth" / "East Perth", its right on the border .
This is the one I would of chosen, as its a quiet st, East Perth train station at the end of the st.
Two stops to the city and its the end of the line for the…[Read more]rob-wa replied to the topic Buyers agent development site perth in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Janice,
I have used "Property Wizards", 3 times for development blocks and have made great money from doing them.
Thats why I keep going back to them, My projects have featured in API .
Liz is always contributing her knowledge to the media.
They have won many awards for their services, over the years.
Check out their website;…[Read more]rob-wa replied to the topic EOS Property Group – North Perth? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi DM,
As far as "Armchair investing" goes, they have a good project in East Perth on offer.
Either a block of apartments or townhouses [ can't remember ]
Where you pay for your share of the land and balance after the project is finished and been re-valued.
You get the property for wholesale.Make sure the builder, is reputable and check out…[Read more]
rob-wa replied to the topic Property Staging in the forum General Property 11 years, 11 months ago
Thanks ,Freckle.
The agent did follow up without success.
One potential buyer [ a local Hotel Manager ] was interested for his mother inlaw , said ring me Monday morning,
The agent did phone him many times over the following weeks but the guy refused to take his calls. "What was that all about"Anyway, have changed agents, lowered the price…[Read more]
rob-wa replied to the topic Property Staging in the forum General Property 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Freckle
2 of the units have been on the market for 6 months.
A 3rd not quite finished, told the agent, I'm not giving them the contract to sell until one of the others sell first.
I know he's had some positive people thru, even had a verbal offer on the unfinished one, [ $10 k less than asking price] during a home open one saturday . Was away…[Read more]rob-wa replied to the topic Property Staging in the forum General Property 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi D,
Looks great, it make a big difference, rather seeing a cold empty house.I have a block of units on the north coast, which I'm selling off 1 by 1.
They appeal to the retirees, small 2 beds and I have dressed it also.
Getting positive comments, even some potential buyers asking if I will go shopping with them,
Have said the furniture can be…[Read more]rob-wa replied to the topic Solutions sought … catholic church vendor & my husband!! in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 12 months ago
Hold your position, you're almost over the line.
Ask them , like Joe says above "Why they won't allow early access"
Explain to them, that is your best offer and can only work for you if you have early access to complete the work need doing and get a tenant, otherwise it will cost you more money in lost timeThe best ones are worth the…[Read more]
rob-wa replied to the topic Dominique Grubisa? Heard her speak? in the forum Heads Up! 11 years, 12 months ago
Hi Guys,
Looking for an update from those of you, who did Dominique Grubisa, real estate rescue course.
Can't find any details about it.
Was it worth the money,
Are you still doing it and making money 12 months after , the course ???
Found Wayne on youtube, telling us about his success.
Doing really…[Read more]
rob-wa replied to the topic What is the most profit you made from a Buy to Sell. in the forum SherJava , if you are 12 years ago
SherJava , if you are referring to Aust property, I would love to know how you go about purchasing it before it goes on the open market..
Cheersrob-wa replied to the topic Buying residential land to put a free older property on in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago
Hi Matt, I am looking at the same thing, noticed the properties can be located easy. Not all council accept relocatable houses. So before buying the block, check with them to see .
Cheersrob-wa replied to the topic What to do with $600,000 Cash in the forum General Property 12 years, 5 months ago
Thanks Derek and Xdrew,
The subdividing I did in WA certainly was profitable and I found little resistance from councils.
In NSW at the moment doing a strata, so returning to Perth is not out of the question.You are right Xdrew, I am eager to claw back to where I was and in doing so could possibly put me at greater risk, with an area that I'm…[Read more]
rob-wa replied to the topic I have purchased a sub dividable block in High Wycombe and need some advice! in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 5 months ago
MetroStrata also have good designs for strata blocks
rob-wa replied to the topic Trusts for an Individual in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years, 11 months ago
Terry, if you want to get the profit into your own pocket, you once again have too pay tax on it again. so where is the advantage
rob-wa replied to the topic To sell or not to sell in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 11 months ago
I agree with aussierogue
I’m also in a similar situation, Just build a big house which cost more than expected and now a morgtage of $250,000 and equity of $400,000 tired up, due to servicability. Would have to wait years before able to borrow again.
I’m going to sell and rent, then take an aggressive approach in developing some units, to build up…[Read more]rob-wa replied to the topic Sell Home, Rent & Invest. in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 5 months ago
congrats Andrew & Sally
sounds like you have done very well
By using the 900k as 20% deposit, you would end up with 4.5 million worth of properties. That would keep you busy just trying to spend it in the country areas. I would pay some of that
-geared property off to bring it back to +cf.rob-wa replied to the topic Sell Home, Rent & Invest. in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 5 months ago
Hi Guys, this is a first for me . I’ve been sitting on the sidelines for a couple of weeks now, I think this is a great topic. I’ve spent the last 3 years building my dream home, which put me deeper into debt and have been feeling the weight since the day I moved in. Since reading Steve’s book Im now thinking why not sell, grab the $400,000.00…[Read more]