richteddy replied to the topic Newbie – open to suggestions in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi SundanceUnderstand where you are coming from Sundance. My partner and I are only a year or two away from being fifty and our super has taken a beating in places over the past years, chatted to some finance planning people – got the same advise as you got, so got property investing educated and we went on the investment property purchasing strat…[Read more]
richteddy replied to the topic Selling property by owner websites in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 4 months ago
Though I have not used it myself (to sell however regularly browse for possible purchases) there is the option of where you can advertise it yourself for a reasonable price(couple hundred dollars). Hope this helpsRichteddy
richteddy replied to the topic Kit Homes vs Spec Homes in the forum Value Adding 14 years, 7 months ago
Hi Will2WinDepending on how you are going to finance the house build/project may also effect your options. Some of the lenders are still touchy about Kit homes. However some of the Kit home companies are now working with particular lenders which makes things some what easier.Richteddy
richteddy replied to the topic Rendering a Fibro House in the forum Value Adding 14 years, 8 months ago
Hi ShinyDepending on what finish you want, we painted our fibro investment property (left cover strips on) in Hervey Bay in a Course Textured paint (purchased from Bunnings). After two coats you could barely see the cover strips and they certainly blended in and it gave it the rendered look. You do need to practice and work out a bit of a tec…[Read more]
richteddy replied to the topic Does LMI (Lender Mortgage Insurance) have a life span? in the forum Finance 14 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the info allRichteddy
richteddy replied to the topic do I invest into this in the forum Finance 14 years, 10 months ago
Hi PK1If the possible IP is what I think it is you need to be caretul.As this appears to be your first "real" IP purchase (looked at your other posts) you need to consider a lot of things – if it is going to be financed from a lender – in their eyes you are a "newb" therefore they will want little risk in what you are purchasing – their cov…[Read more]
richteddy replied to the topic Meeting in Brisbane North in the forum No Subject 18 years, 6 months ago
Thanks Colin the evening was great. Look forward to the next one.
Di. B.
richteddy replied to the topic Meeting in Brisbane North in the forum General Property 18 years, 7 months ago
Hi Cata
Thanks for organising this. Count me in and I’ll see if my partner in crime will be available.
My thoughts are the same as Adam when it comes to the food. Thanks for the thought on the finger food but I think most people would organise themselves whether before hand or at Breaky Creek.
Looking forward to a great evening.[thumbsupanim]
Diane B.
richteddy replied to the topic Interstate Investing in the forum No Subject 18 years, 8 months ago
Hi Stevie
I think there are a number of points to consider for you –
looking for growth V yield value for money time amount of patience level of research already done etcHave never used buyer agent but have travelled out of my local area(Brisbane) to look at opportunities (Cairns) and spent most of yesterday travelling around the…[Read more]
richteddy replied to the topic Grinding Floors Help in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 8 months ago
Hi All
Thanks for all the pointers.
Original contractor went round to unit and has come back with solution (they have smaller grinder – so can do the job for about the same price as quoted for big machine) so all is looking good. [happy3]
He even gave suggestions on how to get the rest of the lino up (lots of water to moisten the paper backing)…[Read more]
richteddy replied to the topic Colour Ideas Needed on 1st Reno in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 9 months ago
Reno is well under way. Having an absolute ball doing it even though going home filthy and sweat. Boyfriend is also having a great time and thinking seriously of doing this maybe full time. Thanks for all your ideas, the stone neutral colours are looking fab with brush chrome fittings. Didn’t realize that painting the ceilings would make such a…[Read more]
richteddy replied to the topic Colour Ideas Needed on 1st Reno in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for all the advise, have convinced the other half about the stone/neutral colours so all is going well, can’t wait to get started,[thumbsup2] which is a couple of weeks away.
Rich Teddy
richteddy replied to the topic Investing while renting: Good or BAD? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 7 months ago
Now you have to look at your situation and consider such things as:
How important is the FHOG to me? How much reading and research on property investing have I done? How much deposit do I have? How much research or investigation of the area I want to purchase in? What sort of property am I looking for? How much +CF do I want?Etc.This…[Read more]
richteddy replied to the topic Investing while renting: Good or BAD? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 7 months ago
That was what I did (after a relationship break up) but I did have enough money to cover costs and deposit. Found it was cheaper sharing a rented unit (rent $65/week) than living in the property I had purchased (someone else was willing to pay $180/week to do that). But you would have to check out the situation with FHOG as to get the…[Read more]
richteddy replied to the topic Brisbane Building Inspectors in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago
Hi there Jewel
I have had a guy David Little (Access Home Inspection)(0416072870) who has done a number of building inspections on properties for me and I have found him to be very good. Usually costs about $250.
Diane B.
Richteddyrichteddy replied to the topic Is this legal? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago
I applaud you trying to make you and your mum’s life that bit better. Have a similar problem myself to try and sort out. Don’t forget in these situations to consider wills and power of attorney so if anything happens to you, mum’s ok. (Sorry about the depressing ending)