red_rogue replied to the topic Is THE INVESTORS CLUB for real? in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 7 months ago
Buying through the investors club or any other organization similar is often a good way to start out or to implement a lazy method of investing (just keep buying from them when you can and let it slowly accumulate).
The big question you need to pose is “what do they look for” then you can find these investments on your own and work much faster…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic Booming Cycle!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago
As above, there are thousands of variables and sub-cycles within smaller areas but generally the national boom starts when good houses start reaching prices that the majority of people can afford, they move out of lesser houses and into these, starting the boom for that housing market, then appartment owners start buying the lesser houses and when…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic Investment partners in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago
Get Landlord’s Insurance. Its an extra cost but well worth it ESPECIALLY when your still just starting out and a single property in your portfolio going to bad tennants can affect you badly.
Go it alone. Times change, people change and you can’t sell properties as easily as shares. BUT maybe he’ll still give you “mates rates” if you help him…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic Company or Private in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago
The other thing to consider is getting a loan for the trust or company. Lets say you earn $50k a year and your wife earns $100k a year (sucking up to my own wife with that). This means that the bank see’s YOU as Mr. $50k man, your WIFE as Mrs. $100k woman and the two of you (jointly) as Mr & Mrs. $150k.
If you start up a trust or a company then…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic Meeting in Brisbane North in the forum General Property 18 years, 7 months ago
Set the time and place and the people will come. Few at first but many more will follow as agendas and results are posted to this site together with future meeting times.
Just get the ball rolling with the first meeting and It’ll have a snowball affect.
Charles Wilkinson
red_rogue replied to the topic VALUE ADDING: non-repairs in the forum No Subject 18 years, 7 months ago
How much did it increase your Property value? Sounds like most of it was repairs.
red_rogue replied to the topic Sex Transmutation in the forum No Subject 18 years, 7 months ago
I guess the end result is if you focus and commit yourself to investing with a passion then you should do just as well as any athlete who does the same for their sport.
There are your weekend rugby players who practice for a couple of hours each weekend and have a game each weekend as well. Then you have the professionals who slug it out in…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic House&Land pkg/Existing property…which is better in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago
The other benefits you usually get with a H&L package are warranties on the house (often 5 years or more builders warranty on the structure and 6 months on fixtures and fittings). The only other mob, besides Ozinvest that I know of are Kaizen Property Sales. Both are pretty decent in their dealings with investors and usually give you a good deal…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic REWARD!!!! For New company name in the forum No Subject 18 years, 7 months ago
“Concept Invest”
“Capital Concepts”
“Whats Your Worth”
“Smart Investment Strategies”
“Value Enhancers”
“Investment Enhancers”
“Enhanced Investment Concepts”
“Investment Accelerators”
“Capital Growth Concepts”
“Speedy Capital”red_rogue replied to the topic Meeting in Brisbane North in the forum No Subject 18 years, 8 months ago
Name the time and place. I’m in ASCOT
One thing I’ve learnt is that the more investment meetings you attend, the more chat rooms you use and the more fellow investors you surround yourself with, etc. The more knowledgable you become.
You can succeed or become an expert at almost anything simply by ’emersing yourself in the world’.
Computer…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic Motivation in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 8 months ago
Probably the understanding of capital growth compared to cash flow.
The average person boasts about what they earn, the rich man boasts about what he’s worth.
Once you can get your head around it, its easy to understand the benefit of sacrificing your cash flow for the sake of investment in assets (such as property).
Stay strong and just…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic To paint or not to paint? in the forum No Subject 18 years, 8 months ago
For the sake of pleasing tennants, just put in 100W globes to keep it bright and maybe some down-lights near the darker areas. Simple but it works and is a really cheap way to make any place seem more appealing to inspecting tennants when its just that little too dark (I’ve got a bathroom with no windows, and although 100W is overkill for such a…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic Water Tank in the forum No Subject 18 years, 8 months ago
After checking out the BCC site above (THANKS TO STUART MILNE) you basically get a $500 rebate for a tank holding 1,000 litres or more and $750 for 3,000 litres or more, plus $100 if it’s hooked up to the internal pipes (toilet and washing machine).
After asking around, the 1,000 tank will probably cost more than $6,000 by the time you buy the…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic Advice on house and land package? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 8 months ago
Another tid bit to add is that you pay for the house and land package in stages of the build. The bank usually takes care of all of this. There are something like 6 stages (not certain on this):
1 buy land
2 slab poured
3 frame
4 lockup
5 fixtures & fittings
6 handoverFind out when each stage is due to complete and the rough amount you will…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic Over-capitalising? in the forum No Subject 18 years, 8 months ago
G’day back,
To give you an Idea of what you’re paying to what you get. I’m paying a total of $170k for a brand new 4 bedroom, brick home with tiles in Brisbane. However if your house is 2 levels or in dificult terrain to build on then that can add to the cost. It’s probably more difficult to add on to an existing house than to simply start from…[Read more]
red_rogue replied to the topic Possibly the silliest question ever asked BUT… in the forum Finance 18 years, 8 months ago
Lets say you have a $100k house and you owe the bank $90k. You then pay the bank $10k so you now own $20k of your house while the bank owns $80k. If you Refinance then you are borrowing BACK off the bank, the $20k that you own in the house. So if you refinance $5k then you will own $15k and the bank will own $85k.
You can indeed refinance to get…[Read more]