Ptialv replied to the topic Bank valuation too low. What do I do? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago
Hi Everyone,As in this case if the bank has valued the house less than the offer made…and you don't have enough finance to get the deail through. Do you still have to buy the property anyway or you can say i cant get the finance so i am backing out.. how does this work. Pleae advisecheers,Bharat.
Ptialv replied to the topic science of property options in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 3 months ago
Thanks a lot….Bob Really good insight into SOP.Thanks a lot here to learn as well as it made me learn about SOP HOW GOOD THEY ARE in stealing money.Cheers,Bharat.
Neil,As wilrose said i too think the mortgage on your PPoR is too much..based on the fact that you are only one earning for the household do u have any plan in case anything goes wrong.. no man its not to scare you but something to think of for sure as they say that we should have approx 6 months of repayments secured before we move onto IP JUST…[Read more]
Ptialv replied to the topic FHOG Query in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago
Hi Richard,Thanks for replying and answering my questionsRegards,Bharat.
Ptialv replied to the topic FHOG Query in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago
Hi, Also please explain how the FHOG works if 2 couples like to get an investment property with there names on the title where 1 couple as got the FHOG and the 2nd couple didnt. Will they lose their FHOG.
Ptialv replied to the topic Property Manager not returning calls or emails in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 4 months ago
Hi Erin,is this regional town is Maryboroogh ?Cheers
Ptialv replied to the topic 200K and some baggage. What would you do? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 4 months ago
Hi Joey,I am also a newbie but somewhat in your situation as per the info you have provided i will think that this will be good option now other experience ppl on the forum will help here is my 2c worth,As you have mentioned both of this that you will be paying upto 400/ week in rent and also considering to buy a property.Now here is what i…[Read more]
Ptialv replied to the topic Our first reno project in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 5 months ago
Well Done… been reading this all the way very very inspirational. What else i could say no words to describe the great effort you guys been putting in. Hope its well rewarded.
Ptialv replied to the topic UNIT OR HOUSE? in the forum General Property 18 years, 1 month ago
My appologies for so may similar replies somehow my computer was not behaving properly and it got so many replies there
Ptialv replied to the topic UNIT OR HOUSE? in the forum General Property 18 years, 1 month ago
I am also new to PI, just another idea rather than putting all your money in one house, will you consider to break up your investment into 2-3 units as it will give you chances to find tenants easily and also will give u a chance for you investment to diversify and may help in getting more value later.Also that can be at different places…[Read more]
Ptialv replied to the topic UNIT OR HOUSE? in the forum General Property 18 years, 1 month ago
I am also new to PI, just another idea rather than putting all your money in one house, will you consider to break up your investment into 2-3 units as it will give you chances to find tenants easily and also will give u a chance for you investment to diversify and may help in getting more value later.Also that can be at different places…[Read more]
Ptialv replied to the topic UNIT OR HOUSE? in the forum General Property 18 years, 1 month ago
I am also new to PI, just another idea rather than putting all your money in one house, will you consider to break up your investment into 2-3 units as it will give you chances to find tenants easily and also will give u a chance for you investment to diversify and may help in getting more value later.Also that can be at different places…[Read more]
Ptialv replied to the topic UNIT OR HOUSE? in the forum General Property 18 years, 1 month ago
I am also new to PI, just another idea rather than putting all your money in one house, will you consider to break up your investment into 2-3 units as it will give you chances to find tenants easily and also will give u a chance for you investment to diversify and may help in getting more value later.Also that can be at different places…[Read more]
Ptialv replied to the topic UNIT OR HOUSE? in the forum General Property 18 years, 1 month ago
I am also new to PI, just another idea rather than putting all your money in one house, will you consider to break up your investment into 2-3 units as it will give you chances to find tenants easily and also will give u a chance for you investment to diversify and may help in getting more value later.Also that can be at different places…[Read more]
Ptialv replied to the topic UNIT OR HOUSE? in the forum General Property 18 years, 1 month ago
I am also new to PI, just another idea rather than putting all your money in one house, will you consider to break up your investment into 2-3 units as it will give you chances to find tenants easily and also will give u a chance for you investment to diversify and may help in getting more value later.Also that can be at different places…[Read more]
Ptialv replied to the topic desperately trying to figure something out… in the forum No Subject 18 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for the information R& L with your questions i have learned that we can use the other costs as depreciation and it can work in our favour.
[party]Ptialv replied to the topic How can I start in PI in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago
Hi Duckster,
thanks for the reply , as u requested i am on 50K a year and will have approx of 15-20K worth of equity at the max.. any more suggestions will like to get them.[specool]
Ptialv replied to the topic should i buy and sell or buy and hold? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago
i am also new to PI but what i have learnt so far is it depends on personal circumstances, time and money (equity) you have and last but not least your stretegy what you want to achieve and the timeframe you have set yourself for that. it needs to be well thought before jumping into the PI and determine what are your strenghts and then use…[Read more]
Ptialv replied to the topic Can somebody, ANYBODY, get rid of the rubbish” in the forum No Subject 18 years, 1 month ago
Thanks to all the contributors on the forum who think the newbies like me should be given a chance to learn. its really nice to know help is out there [party]
Ptialv replied to the topic Student Rentals in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago
I think that would be the case with all the states or something similar to that is there anyway we can find it out..[hmmm]
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