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  • PlanCheck replied to the topic What does R17.5/R30 Actually mean in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago

    Hi There,

    My specialty – Residential Design Codes (Western Australia)..

    Two Codes like R17.5/R30 is called a split coding.. it means that the property is firstly R17.5 zoning and if you want to get the higher density of R30 then you need to meet certain Council criteria.

    R 17.5 has a minimum average lot size of 571sqm so you would need 1142m2…[Read more]

  • PlanCheck replied to the topic What does R17.5/R30 Actually mean in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago

    Hi There,

    My specialty – Residential Design Codes (Western Australia)..

    Two Codes like R17.5/R30 is called a split coding.. it means that the property is firstly R17.5 zoning and if you want to get the higher density of R30 then you need to meet certain Council criteria.

    R 17.5 has a minimum average lot size of 571sqm so you would need 1142m2…[Read more]

  • PlanCheck replied to the topic What does R17.5/R30 Actually mean in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago

    Hi There,

    My specialty – Residential Design Codes (Western Australia)..

    Two Codes like R17.5/R30 is called a split coding.. it means that the property is firstly R17.5 zoning and if you want to get the higher density of R30 then you need to meet certain Council criteria.

    R 17.5 has a minimum average lot size of 571sqm so you would need 1142m2…[Read more]

  • PlanCheck replied to the topic What does R17.5/R30 Actually mean in the forum Hi There,
    My specialty –
    15 years, 5 months ago

    Hi There,

    My specialty – Residential Design Codes (Western Australia)..

    Two Codes like R17.5/R30 is called a split coding.. it means that the property is firstly R17.5 zoning and if you want to get the higher density of R30 then you need to meet certain Council criteria.

    R 17.5 has a minimum average lot size of 571sqm so you would need 1142m2…[Read more]

  • PlanCheck replied to the topic What does R17.5/R30 Actually mean in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago

    Hi There,My specialty – Residential Design Codes (Western Australia)..Two Codes like R17.5/R30 is called a split coding.. it means that the property is firstly R17.5 zoning and if you want to get the higher density of R30 then you need to meet certain Council criteria.R 17.5 has a minimum average lot size of 571sqm so you would need 1142m2 before…[Read more]

  • PlanCheck replied to the topic Who “owns” the DA in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years, 6 months ago

    In WA, the DA belongs to the applicant that submitted the application.  The application of course wouldn't be accepted unless you have the landowner sign the application form or provide a written letter permitted you apply for DA on the land.  If you don't settle you are entitled to cancel the application or approval because it is in you or your c…[Read more]


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