picja1 replied to the topic Loans in the forum No Subject 21 years, 1 month ago
There already is a lender in Australia who lends over 40 years, not fixed though.
picja1 replied to the topic First timer question – WHERE TO GET A LOAN in the forum Finance 21 years, 1 month ago
Age is really only one factor, when it comes to defaults.
The most important parts to determine the appropriate lender would be;
1)How much the defaults were for?
2)Are they paid?
3)How old are they? If, older than five years, they would, generally, not be on credit file, unless unpaid or bankruptcy etc.
4)How did they come about?This will…[Read more]
picja1 replied to the topic Any good accountants in Brisbane/Toowoomba?? in the forum General Property 21 years, 1 month ago
If you like I can pass on the details of a brillant accountant. He is based on Sunshine Coast, however he does travel or is worth the trip yourself. He has wrote a couple of books and lectures a bit.
picja1 replied to the topic Who wants a + cashflow property? in the forum General Property 21 years, 1 month ago
Totally agree Mel!
Although, I was reffering to the properties that he was trying to do or is currently doing, without buying in his name or option.
picja1 replied to the topic Who wants a + cashflow property? in the forum General Property 21 years, 1 month ago
In relation to danger, I would suggest that Bear needs a real estate registration certificate or a licence which would be better.
He certainly is acting as a real estate agent! So, if he is acting as one, why then, do real estate agents need licence’s and Bear doesn’t?
picja1 replied to the topic Anyone with experience in Defence Force homes in the forum General Property 21 years, 1 month ago
What about display home from builders, they offer 6% return.
Anyone had dealings with these?
picja1 replied to the topic Self managed super & trusts in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 1 month ago
What are you talking about?
Lenders offer 2nd mortgages up to 85%LVR
St George is a lender that lends for 2nd mortgages.It sounds like to me, you are one of these people that make comments to areas that you have no idea about, just a general view! Also, sounds like you’ve been bitten by a broker.
As for valuers, well that subject could…[Read more]picja1 replied to the topic increase price of house in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 1 month ago
It’s not only all what MEl said, it is also, some valuations are done in regards to quick sales (a 30 day sale), the valuers themselves under value the property either because they are; asked by the lender, the become conservative because of their prof insurance, or they just always do it.
I know of 1 valuer in Brisbane that will always under…[Read more]
picja1 replied to the topic flipping off the plan in the forum General Property 21 years, 1 month ago
The strategy is like beerboy said. However, once you are in the game and start to know a few people you can flip unlimited. Some guys out there are flipping a min 200 res blocks a week. There are some developers just flipping development sites to other developers, these guys are making millions on deals. But it is just simple flips, that’s all…[Read more]
picja1 replied to the topic How to get 90% loan in rural areas in the forum General Property 21 years, 1 month ago
A general rule of thumb is if the town/city has a min population of 10,000 it should be OK.
In a population with 30000 should be able to get 95%
picja@eftel.com.aupicja1 replied to the topic flipping off the plan in the forum General Property 21 years, 1 month ago
I’m situated in QLD, however have associates that are Nation wide.
Location definately applies.
QLD- Bris,Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Mackay – Bowen, Rockhampton,Yeppoon Toowoomba Townsville.
NSW- Coffs Harbour*, Northern NSW, Wagga WaggaLook for not only residental blocks, but also large land parcels for development and unit townhouse…[Read more]
picja1 replied to the topic Real estate commision in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 1 month ago
Well, technically what the real estate agent has done is illegal. In this instance the agent should have this agreement signed with the buyer and be acting as a buyers agent for him/her. As, if you sign with the agent, he is contracted to act on your behalf, as a selling agent. This means he/she must act in the best interests for you (highest…[Read more]
picja1 replied to the topic Ideas Please in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 1 month ago
If you desire I could assist in many different ways.
First I have great associates in Rockhampton and Yeppoon and Emu Park. Can find vendors willing to loan back deposits.Secondly, need to look at income to assess your borrowing power. You should be able to borrow more than $50k.
Thirdly, for assest loans (TerryW suggested), you will need to be…[Read more]
picja1 replied to the topic flipping off the plan in the forum General Property 21 years, 1 month ago
Why not flip land. It is hard to find, everyone wants it. Watch your bank balance grow!
If you know of any, got plenty of buyers.picja1 replied to the topic 105% home loan in the forum General Property 21 years, 1 month ago
I have to agree with Michael R, that valuation can play a big part and assist you greatly. I also agree with Mel, try not to cross collatirse. This is great advice and applies to all investments, especially commercial.
There are lenders out there that will lend up to 110% for commercial deals,however I will tell you now, you pay for it. If the…[Read more]
picja1 replied to the topic Self managed super & trusts in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 1 month ago
Why don’t you just get it over and done with! Save your time.
Put your SMSF into 2nd mortgages.
There are companies out there, who can get up to 30%p/a. Most, though are about 12%.
Set-up $450 for SMSF
Yearly Audit $900picja1 replied to the topic Buying property NO cash down. in the forum General Property 21 years, 3 months ago
Um, everyone, there is a 100% loan where you don’t have to have the 3% saved, you just need it. And it is actually 2.5% to cover LMI, but you will need to cover other fees, like Stamp duty etc..
With this lender you can get the funds to cover LMI and fees from any where. Gift, personal loan, loan on your car etc..
In regards to getting peoples…[Read more]
picja1 replied to the topic Investing in imported cars in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago
I know this is off the subject of cars, but I have a few clients that import Bulldozers.
They pay approx $25-30000 per machine, imported to Aust. Sell for approx $50-60000 and this is still selling below market value.
Other machinary items make can make a better return than this too.
Just thought you might like to know returns on other…[Read more]
picja1 replied to the topic Getting Finance without a permanent job. in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 3 months ago
6.57% would be about the lowest at the moment, however with this loan you must be for investment purposes, no cash out. On the positive has an off set account for your savings.
All Lo Doc loans max 80% LVR
No Doc’s 65% LVR
You should have no problems.
picja1 replied to the topic Superanuation…. in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 3 months ago
In Australia, no problem. Do it all the time.
To set up DIY super approx $495
Yearly audit $795 approx.You can also have your super pay for investment courses, internet charges, the list goes on….
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