Millionaire in training replied to the topic Are pest and building inspections recommended for units? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 10 months ago
Hi SalilIt depends on how confident you are at assessing the likely problems yourself, if you arent; then get them if you feel the need.Otherwise I agree with the conveyance and a strata report may be useful in deternining if there are other issues you need to consider.Don;t assume that ecause the building is young it doesn't have say termites or…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Block of units – costs of separate titles in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 10 months ago
Hi KentoEntirely depends on where they are and what council you are dealing with.It would be worth contacting a local development consultant and have a chat with them, usually they are surveyors and have a great deal of knowledge re costs timeframes etc.Catch you on the weekendWarm RegardsSue
Millionaire in training replied to the topic GOOD Investments WANTED in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 10 months ago
Tammy You Crack me upWarm RegardsSue
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Purchase Property With Cashflow Capital Pty Ltd in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 10 months ago
Hi D.Just had a VERY quick look at the site and from what I saw some of them MAY be +ve cashflow.Be aware of some of these sorts of sites and their quoted returns, sometime they are gross sometimes they are net and sometimes they are just plain overstated.Run the numbers on them and if they stack up AND they meet your goals of INCOME AND / OR…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic GOOD Investments WANTED in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 10 months ago
Hi SanibelI'd be inteested to know how you define a GOOD investment property.personally I'm not interested in investing overseas, there are stacks of opportunities here with a whole lot less hassles in terms of finding and funding o/seas deals and all the headaches associated with structure establishment etc, this could definitely be the case for…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Whats your 2008 investment strategy? in the forum Hi allI’m 100% in Cash at 16 years, 10 months ago
Hi allI'm 100% in Cash at the moment with plans to trade shares as I finsh my Diploma in Share Trading.Last year It was a development dealI think the thing here is to maintain fleibility, ave a number of strategies under ones belt and hit the market in the areas you are confident in at a time that suits, be it shares, options, property or…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic ASIC update on Jamie Mcintyre in the forum Heads Up! 16 years, 10 months ago
Hi allI find trhis all fascinating. How limiting some people's belief systems are.Particularly lliked your comments about the cheesecake XeniaWE GET what we believe in.If we beleive we can do options, share trading and prperty investment or eat pink cheeskcake and taste chocolate then we can do that too. The difference is WHAT you beleive in, ie…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic New to Property Investing – Tips/Help With First Home Loan in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 10 months ago
Hi allIf considering investing in property , think first about what you are wanting to achieve by doing this ie are you after Growth or income, or somewhere to live. the choice you make will then help you determine an appropriate strategy, ie buy and hold, development, reno or a PPOR.If you are going for a PPOR, try to minimise your expecations,…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Building inspection first or contract first in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi AliWhen you get to the contract stage include a clause in your contract that says something like"subject to finance of x$ at X% and satisfactory building and pest inspections"Talk to a solicitor if you need more clarification on the exact wording.That way if any of these things do not line up you can cancel the contract.Also in terms of…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Building inspection first or contract first in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi AliWhen you get to the contract stage include a clause in your contract that says something like"subject to finance of x$ at X% and satisfactory building and pest inspections"Talk to a solicitor if you need more clarification on the exact wording.That way if any of these things do not line up you can cancel the contract.Also in terms of…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Where do I start my research? in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi Louise M77Have you read any of Steve's books?These might be a great start especially books 1 and 3, 0-130 Properties in 3.5 years and also 260 properties in 7.5 years.Both these booth offer practical steps to becoming a successful property investor from the ground up.Book three is propably more current for today's market and helps one…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Should I stay or should I go now? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi AllmineOk so from what you ahve said you could be sitting on a nice pice of land in a nice area but that is presently underdeveloped given the rest of the area.Firstly have you clearly defined your goals? In terms of money you need to achieve them etc and the timeframes in which you want to see them happen?Are you looking for growth or income…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Peter Comben in the forum Heads Up! 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi allI came across Peter Coomben a few years back and honestly what he offered I was not interested in. I liken his processes to that of financial planners and advisors, personally I want more control over my own cash as to this date no one has done better with my cash than I have, I take resposnibility for my own acotions including investing.If…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Mentors and Partners in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi AlexCongratulations from taking the first step to FINANCIAL FREEDOMCan I recomend the RESULTS program run by Property investing .com.I have been on the program for 2 years and it is FANTASTIC!!!, life changing and thought provoking.I am self supporting having left my job over 18months ago,whilst this is not directly attributale to property…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Interest Rates in the forum Finance 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi allWell it matters not what interest rates are doing rather it matters whether your strategies fit the current market.If you take a look at Steve's thrid book he talks about the Property Wheel which helps one assess where in the cycle we are at and what sorts of strategies to apply in varying markets.Are you booked into the 3 day semnar in…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic anyone consider solar orientation of the block? in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago
Hello thereIn looking at the aspect for potential purchases, think about what the planning regulations state abut where living areas are to be sited ie if north facing to achieve energy ratings and you want them at the front of the block it makes littel sense to buy a south facing property.This all depends on the area you are looking at buying in…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic U.S finance for Oz property? in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 11 months ago
Just a quick questionWhat's wrong with the OZ Market? there are deals everywhereAlso have a look at Steve McKnights post on a similar subject, he makes some salient pointsWarm RegardsSue
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Are you allowed to repay some principle on an IO loan? in the forum Finance 16 years, 11 months ago
I'm not sure why one would set up an I.O loan if you were planning on paying it back early?From my undertanding I.O loans are best for investing , depending on individual circumstances of course.I would avoid them for a PPORWarm RegardsSue
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Anyone pulling out of the 3 Day Mega Property Conference??? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
I'm not pulling out but I have 2 spare tickets available at $445 eachI tried to Send you a private message but your profitle says you aren;t accepting any.PM me if you would like one or both ticketsSue
Millionaire in training replied to the topic what to do with $150 000 equity in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi pageyWhat about doing renos or sub-divisions/builds to turn your cash over and mwhat seems to most to be an eternal fear of CGT make a profit. ie only look for places that need a tidy up and spend around 10% of your purchase price and look for a profit of 10% + Once you get over the what seems to most to be an eternal fear of CGT, these can…[Read more]
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