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  • mihovi replied to the topic Andrew Allan and My USA Property in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    jayhinrichs wrote:
    Emma, that is why I suggest anyone who wants to by inner city should only look at the properties on a Sat. 10 to 4  you will get the flavor really quickly…..

        Right Jay, you couldn't say it better…

  • mihovi replied to the topic Andrew Allan and My USA Property in the forum Interesting thing, close to 12 years, 9 months ago

    Interesting thing, close to a modern MIRACLE: Last fall, at the end of October, last day on a reno job, after cleaning the whole house,  we've pushed outside all the materials and the tools. Dark, hungry, tired,nobody could figure out what was inside or outside the van carrying all of the crew's stuff. The very next day I passed by , together…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic Andrew Allan and My USA Property in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Emma 171,   Your 2-nd post touched a pretty sensitive aspect. Today I spoke with my PM in Detroit, as we want to help Richard with his wrong investment. I told my Manager the whole story (I've sent him all the Richard's post on this forum connected with his 730 issue) and he replied that this is a long and wrong story in Detroit. Everybody knows t…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic Andrew Allan and My USA Property in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

     Emma171,Every time I buy a property in Detroit or outside Detroit I use licensed people: RE agents, title company , etc. I'm looking for seller's disclosure all the time; I NEVER buy from individual owners! I'm looking only for transactions with warranty deeds; I never deal with QCDs or special deeds (unless there are Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic Andrew Allan and My USA Property in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks a lot Jay.    Excellent lesson. Happy I asked.

  • mihovi replied to the topic Andrew Allan and My USA Property in the forum   Funny thing: Two weeks 12 years, 9 months ago

      Funny thing: Two weeks ago I had a client from Toronto who own multiple multifamily building there. He was interested in one of my properties I have for sale and, finally quit on working with me. His decision was based on the fact that the price I was asking ($42k for a 4 bedroom rented for $850, Section 8) was way too small to be true. He was…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic Andrew Allan and My USA Property in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

        Yes Jay,  It's tough to work in the hood and in my opinion, all the hoods present the same dangers and opportunities, more or less – the hood is the hood… When you consider those being almost equal, what's the only thing which drives an investor more towards one or another? The posibility of getting more money out of the investment – the cas…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic Andrew Allan and My USA Property in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    jayhinrichs wrote:
    I can only relate my dealings with Jeremy lent him money on two houses he did not repay. Would not communicate unless pushed to the limit by going semi public…I think you feedback is very good…. And I know some of the better players there in Detroit that have gravitated to land contracts… Land contracts have about a 50%…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic Andrew Allan and My USA Property in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

      Jay, take a look at what I wrote Richard yesterday:"Hi Gavin.Nice meeting you, even if the circumstances are not the most fortunate ones…Some quick thoughts, just after searching a little bit, without knowing anything about the actual shape:            – you've bought the house from one of the biggest wholesalers (in my opinion he is the b…[Read more]

  •      I agree 100% with you Jay, but also Emma171 is right, as well. In a nation where everybody can sue everybody for any reason, the existence of the LLC is mandatory for an investor in order to protect his/her assets. I've heard stories when the owner had to pay large amounts for tenants injured (real or…) on their property. My insurance age…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic Andrew Allan and My USA Property in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Gavin, please send me all the details about you transaction or at least what you have in mind for the future with regards to that particular property. I can send my PM there to take some shots , if you like , and asses the present situation. But if you'll give me just the address I bet that I can tell you pretty much all you'll have to do if the…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic Another Detroit seller in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    jayhinrichs wrote:
    thats what we want to prove to our Aussie friends that there are good guys out there that will help them….thanks for stepping up appreciated and I am sure Gavin will appreciate it as well… Now he may already have this covered but at least we are offering…..JLH

         If we can help, we'll do it! This is another way of rew…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic Another Detroit seller in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    OK Jay. I've sent him a private message. I'm waiting for his answer now. If it will be in my power to give him a hand, I'll do it, for sure.Detroit, like (or more like) any other place where out-of-state investors are expected is FULL OF SCAMS. I've heard so many stories…

  • mihovi replied to the topic Another Detroit seller in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Jay and Kilermice,   You both are so right in your statements!   But, this is how I see the it: depending on the term of investment you have the short-term and the long-term, of course. For the long-term, to be sure that your money will be safe , you have to find low risk investments, that's why I find your TWH model very clever, but hard to be…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic self managing in the USA in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    quickchick wrote:
    Anyone on the forum who has actually borrowed from a us bank without a #SSN recently? I'm sure this will be a hot topic for many! Ruth Phoenix AZ

        I have a SSN and I had an excellent credit history until 2006, when I left the US. When I opened my first bank account as an US investor last year, I…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic self managing in the USA in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    jayhinrichs wrote:
    Squatters is a very big issue on the West coast especially California… You can get some one out of a house in portland in 45 days for 400 to 600 dollars as long as you do everything right… You do one part of the eviction wrong,, and the tenant will call for a trial.. And then you need an attorney blah blah balh, and the…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic self managing in the USA in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    jayhinrichs wrote:
    Lawsjs, I think you can go to the american consulate in OZ and get docs notarized ?

        Good one.. Ha, ha, ha

  • mihovi replied to the topic self managing in the USA in the forum Another example: on of 12 years, 9 months ago

    Another example: on of wife's very good friends purchased a property in Portland, Oregon together with her sister with the intention of opening a restaurant. Her part in the whole deal was $100k. She had a very good business plan and she got the E2 investor visa! But what happened after is ridiculous: they left the house unoccupied for almost 1…[Read more]

  • mihovi replied to the topic self managing in the USA in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Alex, did you get my message?

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