MarkyMark replied to the topic University Properties in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago
I lived in one of these while at uni. They were really nice places and just perfect for me as a student. They have cleaners and where I stayed they had security and where strict. So the properties where kept in good condition.
You may want to ask about how they allocate which place is to be rented and when. I spent about 6 months in one of…[Read more]
MarkyMark replied to the topic Selling Success! in the forum No Subject 19 years, 2 months ago
I think the decision to sell or not can be taken back to the same old question I ask myself 10 times a day these days. Will it get me closer to my goals by the specified time or not?
I am faced with this same question at the moment. I have chosen not to sell even though I have profit in the deal. The reasons that I am not selling is,
a. I…[Read more]MarkyMark replied to the topic Add instant value for FREE by … in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago
I suppose it depends who you are,
Consider Bill Gates
He made this money in the 25 years or so since Microsoft was founded in 1975. If you presume that he has worked 14 hours a day on every business day of the year since then, that means he’s been making money at a staggering million dollars per hour, around $300 per second.Which means that…[Read more]
MarkyMark replied to the topic Steve McK (revised post) in the forum No Subject 19 years, 4 months ago
Originally posted by markpatrick:
I can`t help but think that Steve and other seminar/strategy salesman at the end of the day would earn thier money in property if they could, since they can`t they play the amway/money streams game.
No malice in my opinion but it`s what I believe to be fact.I think you are ignoring a very sensible possibility.…[Read more]
MarkyMark replied to the topic Tokyo land prices see first rise in 15 years in the forum General Property 19 years, 4 months ago
Hi Terry,
I also had the same problem. I think it has to with translations. All the articles come up as this.ȁÃὡ½½Âë¤äÀÄ»³¡¢³«¶È¥é¥Ã¥·¥å¡¢
MarkyMarkMarkyMark replied to the topic taking tenant to court for rent in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago
real-estate agents have access to a data base that contains dodgy tenants. A while ago I was watching a program on TV where a nasty real-estate agent had placed this ladies name on the database for some reason. Anyway she had huge trouble finding a place to rent as everywhere she went people would nock he back as she was on the list.
Anyway,…[Read more]
MarkyMark replied to the topic taking tenant to court for rent in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago
I know that this may sound extreme and I don’t know if I would do this myself but just thought I’d put it out there. What about if after they wouldn’t pay you organised an inspection and than said “oh that front and back door is terrible” and then took the doors off and took them home with you.
The tenant can then take you to the tribunal.…[Read more]
MarkyMark replied to the topic advice from the CF+ folk pls. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago
Hi Milly,
It sounds to me “and I could be wrong” that you are not sure of what result you want i.e. your not sure of your goal.Maybe you could sit down and establish a crystal clear goal along with a deadline. Then once you have done that look again at your options from that new perspective.
I find that this works for the following reasons,
a.…[Read more]MarkyMark replied to the topic Letting house as home and unit in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 6 months ago
Do you think that there would be an issue with regards to noise. Like upstairs is wooden floor boards.
MarkyMark replied to the topic Just one tip… in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago
Be constantly asking the question, “How will this get me to my goal”
Planning and deciding what is a good investment and what is not, becomes easy when you are clear on your goals. It gives you direction, clarity and motivation. Be clear on the goal first.
MarkyMark replied to the topic Looking for 1st +CF IP in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 7 months ago
Nice edition of Insider as usual.
Steve I was just wondering about what you said here in response to Newstarts post
“……paying top dollar for a risk that can be addressed in a more cost-effective way (for example, using rental insurance).”
When you say “rental insurance” do you mean normal landlords insurance to cover the tenant trashing the…[Read more]
MarkyMark replied to the topic Avoid the backslide – 2004 still has lots to offer in the forum General Property 20 years, 3 months ago
Hi steve,
Just one question really, what do you mean by “niche deals”?2. Making competitive offers on niche deals that the
speculators now hesitate about, since they rely on luck whereas savvy investors use skill.and thanks for the latest newsletter.
MarkyMark replied to the topic Learning Trust in the forum General Property 20 years, 3 months ago
I recommend them. Dale’s “Trust Magic” is really good I think.
MarkyMark replied to the topic Multiplication By Division in the forum General Property 20 years, 4 months ago
We are pretty well saying the same thing Monopoly. I completely agree with what you are saying. When I first came onto this forum I sort of thought that Steve would be much more active than what he is, and I thought that he would contribute more detailed information in response to questions. But then I suppose I realised that that is not what…[Read more]
MarkyMark replied to the topic Multiplication By Division in the forum General Property 20 years, 4 months ago
Hi all,
I suppose from Steve’s perspective information is money and giving it away freely (that is absolutely no monetary or advertisement benefit etc) may not be something that he is interested in doing.I have noticed that often some of the answers are pretty / very light. I think it also comes down to time management as well. What shou…[Read more]
MarkyMark replied to the topic Managing Portfolio behind scenes cont… in the forum General Property 20 years, 6 months ago
Hi Terry,
I thought that you needed to have equity in the property in order to get the LOC? There for the LOC is secured against existing capital.Is it not?
MarkyMark replied to the topic Managing Portfolio behind scenes cont… in the forum General Property 20 years, 6 months ago
To put it another way,
Say you have a card with a $9000 limit but you have not used it in any way, so its just sitting there doing nothing (i.e. you do not owe any money on it). The bank will take the full $9000 into account when you apply for a loan.A Line of credit is different in the way that you are drawing down from existing capital.
MarkyMark replied to the topic Managing Portfolio behind scenes cont… in the forum General Property 20 years, 6 months ago
Thanks everyone,
I sat down and drew few diagrams so I was clear on what each of you were saying.I think using a 55 days interest free Credit Card for all expenses in conjunction with an offset account is a pretty good idea. Just need to be disciplined.
I have a trust set up and I have a business account for the trust. If I have a personal…[Read more]
MarkyMark replied to the topic Lease option Rockhampton in the forum No Subject 20 years, 6 months ago
Hi Scullyman,
I have a place in North Rocky near the Frenchville Sports club. I have had other plans for it. But we can have a chat about doing something with that if you want.Just PM me if you want.
Anyway good luck with your landlord.
MarkyMark replied to the topic Managing portfolio behind the scenes in the forum General Property 20 years, 6 months ago
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the comments. Yeah, I think by this discussion it is evident that I could be more proactive as to communicating how I want things done.I think I have taken a bit of a passive stance and just gone with the flow. This is not really my character, I think in this case it was all pretty new to me and the bulk of my research was…[Read more]
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