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  • lbluedento replied to the topic Happy to pay a fee to anyone who finds us a suitable Reno property in the forum Value Adding 10 years, 9 months ago

    Richard are you solely on the east coast? I’m in SA and looking at hiring a buyer’s agent.

  • lbluedento replied to the topic * When did you last move house ? * in the forum Forum Frolic 12 years, 1 month ago

    We moved 8 times in 10 years due to my husband's job and the best part was culling unnecessary things from our life. Two moves involved only taking what we could fit into 2 suitcases and starting from scratch again. I found it fairly freeing because you realise all the 'things' in life. Aren't really that important. Our last move was 2.5 years…[Read more]

  • lbluedento replied to the topic What’s One Big Thing you’d like to Accomplish in 2013? in the forum Forum Frolic 12 years, 1 month ago

    Think I will need 3
    1. Finish Reno on block of units, get them revalued, borrow the equity and buy another cash flow positive property
    2. Off load some negatively geared property
    3. Get some income from my Internet business


  • lbluedento replied to the topic Is the vendor finance sector saturated with investors? in the forum Creative Investing 12 years, 8 months ago


    Tried to navigate to your negative2positive website by clicking on the link in your signature but while it goes to the page for bout 20 seconds it is then replaced by another page. Not sure if this is an iPad issue or some other gremlin. No pc to check your site on unfortunately. We are considering attempting to sell a property via vendor…[Read more]

  • We got within days of settlement on a property and the vendor sold the property to a friend. We had to pay conveyancing costs because they had already done all the work for us, we had to return a cheque to the bank etc. real estate agent and conveyancer both told us that there was no point in trying to hold the vendor to their initial contract. In…[Read more]

  • lbluedento replied to the topic Horsham Property? in the forum General Property 12 years, 8 months ago

    Are they all from the same agency? I know Horsham real estate offers that for all their listings. I have my properties checked every year no matter where they are located. I have had termite before so maybe that is why I go to this level of caution. Interestingly, it wasn’t in my property in Horsham though. I think termites can be quite a problem…[Read more]

  • lbluedento replied to the topic A sustainable town – Port Augusta in the forum General Property 12 years, 9 months ago

    CCook, not sure I have heard Pt Augusta referred to as a nice place before :-) it is certainly worth looking at for an investment, but research the areas well as there are certainly a few areas to avoid.

  • lbluedento replied to the topic Should we sell our neg.geared IP? Will we pay CGT? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks for posting this JT and everyone for their great discussion points.

    We have a similar thought process going through our heads at the moment. We are trying to decide whether to sell a property that we bought as our PPOR in 2007 but we moved out of 2 years ago when we moved interstate. As with yours the market is stagnant (regional area) we…[Read more]

  • lbluedento replied to the topic Horsham Property? in the forum General Property 12 years, 9 months ago

    Also has plenty of businesses. There’s Coles, Woolworths and Aldi, Target and K-Mart, Spotlight too. Mc:Donald’s is there too. When we were doing renovations we could easily find all the hardware we needed at the smaller stores – no Bunnings in Horsham. But there are plenty of plumbing supplies and floor covering places. A good selection of cases…[Read more]

  • I spoke to a values about this about a month ago. We have a block of unit that we have completely renovated on the inside but done nothing outside. She said fixing up the yard e.g. Landscaping and fencing would be important before getting the property valued.

  • lbluedento replied to the topic RACV. Emergency Home Assist in the forum General Property 12 years, 9 months ago

    Do you know if it is per member or per property? I have 7 properties in Vic and if it could be used across properties it would be well worth it.

    Certainly is a good idea, at one of my properties I have to pay $50 every winter just to get the pilot light lit!


  • lbluedento replied to the topic Horsham Property? in the forum General Property 12 years, 9 months ago

    Solomon10 wrote:
    Cheap entry point,potential positive cashflow, isn't that reason enough to warrant some investigation?

    The exact reason we invested Solomon10, sure there are plenty of other places we could invest but for $200K on a 90% loan we manage to get a $600/week return. Not sure I have seen too many of those deals elsewhere, and I…[Read more]

  • lbluedento replied to the topic Houses or units in the forum I have 2 houses and 5 units. 12 years, 9 months ago

    I have 2 houses and 5 units. I prefer houses as I have found strata costs to eat into profits. The only reason I have 5 units is because 4 of them were in one purchase when I bought he block. I plan to focus on houses from now on. The only time I would buy units again would be if I could buy the whole block again.

  • lbluedento replied to the topic Horsham Property? in the forum General Property 12 years, 10 months ago

    I was there last weekend, and while I wasn’t looking for a nightlife I did think the main street was pretty busy at 7:30pm. There were heaps of people at cafes and restaurants, enjoying alfresco dining. Most of them seemed young and dressed up for the evening not just a quick bite. Perhaps things are changing already?

  • lbluedento replied to the topic Mildura in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 10 months ago

    I don’t have one, but my sister has 2. She has found a few issues with problem neighbours causing tenants to move out quickly. Like everywhere there are good and bad areas so do you due diligence carefully before buying. She hasn’t really experienced down time between tenants as the vacancy rate in Mildura is almost zero.

  • lbluedento replied to the topic Should I buy one side of the duplex as investment? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 10 months ago

    I have contemplated this myself recently. Especially after I came across a duplex where the owners of one half had demolished and we’re rebuilding a separate residence.

  • lbluedento replied to the topic Horsham Property? in the forum General Property 12 years, 10 months ago

    Was hoping to find some comments here but unfortunately not. I have a block of 4 units in Horsham, bought cheap and good rents with no difficulty finding tenants. There’s always a lot of property for sale in Horsham.

  • lbluedento replied to the topic Regional Vic in the forum General Property 12 years, 10 months ago

    Have invested in regional Australia but only Wimmera not Gippsland

  • lbluedento replied to the topic long distance reno? in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 10 months ago

    I have been doing a 4 unit renovation long distance over the last year. Each time a tenant’s tenancy is due for renewal I decide to either inform the tenant of the proposed Reno and give them the option of returning at double the rent or ask them to leave. We have kept 2 and send 2 packing! The hardest part is not knowing what stage everything is…[Read more]

  • lbluedento replied to the topic Property Women Brilliant Diamond program in the forum Opinionated! 13 years, 2 months ago

    I did the Brilliants Program this year and I really enjoyed it. I was a newbie to investing, I had 3 IPs but I had stumbled into it and really didn’t know what I was doing.

    Why I enjoyed the course:
    1. The networks I developed – both the group of 16 women I did it with (the majority of us are in contact every day) also the professional…[Read more]

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