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  • Kazek87 started the topic Help needed how to invest 300k Windfall in the forum Help Needed! 7 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Everyone,

    I am 29, live in Adelaide and have just had a recent windfall of about $300k. I have no debt and live with family at the moment as I am looking to move to the country, I also have an income of around $85k/year until feb next year when my contract ends. I am torn as to whether to invest in shares or property. With the market the way…[Read more]

  • Kazek87 started the topic Help Getting Started in US in the forum Overseas Deals 7 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Everyone,

    I am an Aussie living in Australia. However, I have a property in Kentucky, that is worth about $50k and can be rented out for about $120-$150 pw. I own the property outright with no mortgage. I am very, very new to real estate investing and am not too sure what to do. Should I sell the property and bring the cash back to Australia…[Read more]

  • Kazek87 started the topic Just been given property in the US in the forum Help Needed! 7 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Everyone,

    I am new here. I am also never owned a house until recently. I am Australian and live in Asutralia, however I have recently been gifted a property in the US. The property itself is not worth a fortune (about $50k), and from what I understand can be rent out for around $120-$150pw. I am hoping to have it leased soon. But my question…[Read more]

  • Kazek87 became a registered member 7 years, 9 months ago


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