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  • johnd replied to the topic new and cautious in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Roundbelly.
    I’m from SA myself and i believe The Australian Property Investor magazine is a must, and at the back of it are a whole list of books to choose from.

    In relation to your question about when to buy, the answer is simple when it comes to residential realestate buy it when ever you can afford to. I’m not saying go out and buy anything…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic The right lender??? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Sebestian,
    I agree with the previous post. Find your self a mortgage broker and they will sort it out for you. Having said that not all chef’s are the same nor are real estate agents nor are lawyers and especially nor are finance brokers. Do the hard yards now get them in talk to them and find out which ones understand your needs and…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic Who should pay? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Mala,

    Only a suggestion, treat your tenants like customers, once you approach it with that view then make your decission who should pay. At the end of the day a happy customer is what is most important to every business, and renting is a form of a business. Strive to achieve a win win outcome, and if one weeks rent buys you loyality and…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic Looking to invest in SA in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi tig,

    Becareful, some basic fundamentals for consideration when making your decision where to invest. Remember Broken Hill was a mining town that is now slowly dying. It is extremely risky investing in towns where there is only one source of employment in this case its the Roxby Down mine which is in the middle of no where, what happens if the…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic Analysis paralysis -to build or not to build in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Stephanie,

    A new property far out weighs purchasing old for rental, there are tremendous advantages to building new such as
    1.Tax deductions, get a quantity surveyor to prepare
    2. The property is brand new therefore easy to rent etc
    3. No head aches with broken this and that all issues generally covered by builders warranty at least for the…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic tax implications in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi ChinaBear,

    You definatley need some help with this one. Lets see here we go.
    1. You are never too old to take out a loan, finaciers can not discriminate against age, servicability and the deposit are and should be the only issues in securing finance.
    2. If they gift you the money then you are buying the property not them then you (you meaning…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic renovation profit in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Banner,
    You would need to write a book to answer your question, is it possible to make a salary out of renovating, the answer is and then some. But its also possible to bet on a 10 to 1 shot at the races and win, the key is education and knowledge. You need to know the market, you need to know your costs all your costs and it all needs to be…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic lender rates; are they higher than the banks in the forum No Subject 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Robert,
    Different finaciers have different products with varying Interest rates, I suggest you find your self a finance broker who will work for you and find you the best deal from a lender who can be located in where in the country.
    Having said that there are more factors to consider than just the Interest rates, ie set up costs, application…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic Where are +ve cashflow properties? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 7 months ago

    You miss understood I do trust my spouse, she does the right thing always (well nearly always)its other people you cant trust (sometimes you have no other option), they dont do the right thing. Dont get me wrong not all people but it only takes one or two bad experiences to feel this way.

  • johnd replied to the topic Both name or one name on Title in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi fastainvesta,

    I’ll try to clarify.
    Couple purchase one IP for $400K
    eg One partner earns $100k they may be able to borrow say $400K for IP based on serviceablity and the other partner also earns $100K they too can borrow say $400K for IP as individuals therefore collectively they could borrow $800k ie purchase 2 x IP at $400K each but if they…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic Where are +ve cashflow properties? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi RSTARR,

    Yes I live in city where my investments are and this is because I am able to achieve +ve cashflow from my properties one way or another. Initaily I handle it over the phone but then always finalised face to face.

    One of my life lessons learnt is
    When it comes to business, money and your spouse you shouldn’t trust anyone.

    So I’m not a…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic Both name or one name on Title in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Katsu88,
    Here are some points to consider.
    If you purchase a property in joint names, then the bank views the debt as jointly and severally liable. What this means is that if you borrow $200K then the banks treats it as both of you have borrowed $200K each totalling $400K which will severely impact your future borrowing capacity.

    One potential…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic Where are +ve cashflow properties? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 7 months ago

    JohnD interesting ideas.

    Do you deal with tenants directly ? or through a real estate agent ? I was just wondering if through agent, how would they react to some of your strategies, such as the TV, stereo, dryer, dishwasher type deal with higher rent agreement and ownership after two years etc..

    Sounds like an interesting…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic Where are +ve cashflow properties? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Keesha,
    I like you are interested in acquiring +ve cashflow properties, however its not always as simple as that. Nowa days you need to be astute and think outside the square to achieve this result if like me you dont particularily want to be purchasing out in the sticks, not that it’s bad. Some of the tactics and startergies I have used to…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic Rent Increase – My Conscience Says Wait in the forum No Subject 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi PG-WA,
    Always find a need and negotiate win win, it cant and shouldnt be one sided. If you can find win win how does anyone loose.

  • johnd replied to the topic refinance investment property -legal or not? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi nghia76,
    Rest assured not illegal at all. Your only issue is tax, what you can deduct inrelation to your new transaction and your existing transaction. Check with your accountant how it should be structured to ensure maximised tax benefit.

  • johnd replied to the topic a straightforward question (i think) in the forum No Subject 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Richmond,
    I’m no tax guru so make sure you check with your accountant, howeverif the roof is leaky and requires repairs then definatley it is a total deduction, to make absolute certainty beyond a shadow of a doubt have the company doing the repair to state something like “Replacement of existing leaky roof with New Roof” on the invoice.

  • johnd replied to the topic Stuart from Guerrilla Real Estate in the forum No Subject 21 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Violeta,
    I like you attended the seminar and heard Stuart speak, as a result I purchased his – The Guerrilla Adds Pack – which includes 2 telephone confrence calls with Stuart. His approach and startergies have enlitened me beyond comprehension. I have used his techniques and stratergies on four seperate deals over the last month and a half or…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic Back with 2 options………need some advice in the forum No Subject 21 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Gavalynn,
    In my humble opinion
    I advise do your research no matter where you buy, search both homes for sale and houses sold. Compare these with your target property. If your target property compares then go further. I recomend that you undertake an independant valuation of the property if you are still unsure.

    In…[Read more]

  • johnd replied to the topic New investor testing the waters in the forum No Subject 21 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Kym

    Answers in my Humble opinion

    1. Negative gearing is a bad idea, it basically means you are losing money on the property and writing those losses of against your tax, why anyone would purposely go into a deal to lose money is beyond me, having said that you may be negatively gearing a property where the capital gain out weighs the losses…[Read more]

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