jameszhao replied to the topic Getting a loan with other investment income? in the forum Finance 6 years, 9 months ago
I got out of a bad business situation 6 months ago with some 6 figure losses so I can’t really use my own company to pay myself. I can’t exactly wait for 2 more years for new company tax returns. So personal tax return seems to be the only option but it doesn’t look good as I have’t worked in almost a year. The credit department seems quite…[Read more]
jameszhao started the topic Getting a loan with other investment income? in the forum Finance 6 years, 9 months ago
Has anyone with experience with the following situation?
I currently have a cash income from non property related investments of around $100k a year. I’m having trouble getting a loan because some banks will only consider 20% of that income as proper income. Are there any other lenders/brokers that will lend based on the full amount? I’m…[Read more]
jameszhao replied to the topic Property in Beijing in the forum Overseas Deals 6 years, 10 months ago
I just got back last week from Shanghai after not having been there for nearly 17 years. Most of people I spoke to are skeptical of anymore growth simply because that’ll put it out of reach of the majority population.
I’ve also noticed the government is just building for the sake of building and artificially inflating the GDP. I took a train…[Read more]