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Investment Detective

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Property Anayslsis Software in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago


    Investment Detective is designed specifically for analysing pre and post purchase and comparing both together. ID can also be used to track your properties performance on an ongoing basis, comparing your history over multiple years.

    ID is all about number crunching and includes lots of unique formulas that Steve have developed after many…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Property Analysis Software in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 4 months ago


    Have you had a look at Investment Detective, all the details are available in the store, or just follow the link below.
    Its designed to evaluate and track your property portfolios.


    Philip Batey

    Investment Detective
    The best way to crunch the numbers and manage your portfolios

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Sherlock Holmes required in the forum No Subject 18 years, 6 months ago


    My first stop would be the local realestate agents, tell them your interest and can they find out who the owner is, get them to do the work for you.

    Next stop would be either a solicitor to do a title search or you can go directly to the lands department and do it yourself. Not sure how much information you can get, but it could provide the…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Using Investment Detective in the forum No Subject 18 years, 8 months ago

    Hi bruham

    Sorry you didn’t have a good experience with ID, I have worked hard to create a program for the widest range of users, I don’t recall getting an email from you about your problems. I would love to hear about the issues you had as every problem I hear about helps me make ID better.

    Also, if you are that unhappy with ID, please feel free…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Using Investment Detective in the forum General Property 18 years, 8 months ago


    You’re spot on with the description, it is also a good idea to do a budget at the begining of every year you own the property to compare with the actuals during and at the end of the year. Its a good way to double check your due dilligence process. If you get differences between the budget and actuals, you are in a position to ask why the…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Which Software? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 9 months ago


    Investment Detective is designed to help evaluate and track investment properties, sounds like it might do the job.

    You can check it out at

    There has also been a recent update to the software that adds many new reports and the ability to share property details with other ID users.

    Hope…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Investment Detective & Negative Gearing in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 9 months ago


    The tax benefit for a property is best calculated by your accountant as arriving at the final figure is very complex. ID does not estimate this figure because it could never be accurate and this would be misleading. I know there are other packages that estimate this figure but it is only and estimate and may lead to nasty surprises later if…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Investment detective software in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Lance

    I have posted a reply to your question in the Help Needed forum.

    Quicken and MYOB are excelent accounting packages, but I would rather spend my time doing other things, besides, thats what I pay my accountnat for, I can just give them a full list of all the expences detailed in ID exported to an excel spread sheet and they do the…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Investment detective software in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Lance

    The tracking options of ID have been improved significantly since the demo video was made. Each expense can be entered with date, description and notes.
    These figures can then be exported to excel or printed.
    At the end of the year you can roll over the figures for the year so you can have all your history at your fingertips. You can…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Need a investment Calculator in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    You could check out Investment Detective in the Online Shop, lots of info and is designed to do all the calculations for you.


    Philip Batey

    Investment Detective
    The best way to crunch the numbers and manage your portfolios

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Number crunching programs in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Lee

    Have a look at Investment Detective in the online shop. It is capable of evaluating potential properties and portfolios as well as tracking your existing properties. It does all the number crunching for you.


    Philip Batey

    Investment Detective
    The best way to crunch the numbers and manage your…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Budgeting Software in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Katherine

    You could also check out Investment Detective for your property management needs,


    Philip Batey
    JATPAC Designs

    Author of Investment Detective

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Backup in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Ali

    The property data files are stored in “C:Program FilesProperty InvestingInvestment Detectivedata” and have the extension “.xml”
    You can copy these files between each computer, the only data not stored in these files are the images, these are stored in “C:Program FilesProperty InvestingInvestment Detectiveimages” and you will need to copy…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic subdivision reqirements – council in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 3 months ago

    Hi NATS12

    Speaking to the council is an important first step, but they are not going to help you, just tell you what they think you can and cant do. You need to go and see an independant town planner, some one who knows the local council regs back the front and how to work through the rules and loop holes to your advantage.

    As far as putting in…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Investment Detective query in the forum No Subject 19 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Pete&Jakie

    The principal payments should only have an effect when P&I is selected, the latest version fixes this bug, also it only effects the “Net Profit” not the cash flow.

    You were sent an email that had your license key in it and this also contains the download location for Investment Detective wher you can get the latest version,…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Update please in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Adam and Sabrina

    I have replyed to you directly regarding the updates.


    Philip Batey
    JATPAC Designs

    Author of Investment Detective

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Google Earth in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago


    To change your screen resolution, right click on the desktop and then select properties. A window will open, select the Settings tab and you will see a slider that may allow you to change your screen resolution, (depends on your monitor). Slide it to the right until you see the resolution reach the required size and then click ok. You may see…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic starting in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Ron

    Investment Detective supports multiple portfolios and you need to select a portfolio to add a property to first.

    When ID is installed for the first time there is a default portfolio called “Properties”, click on this tab and you will be able to add a new property.

    Hope this helps


    Philip Batey
    JATPAC Designs

    Author of…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Canada in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Luc

    ID uses a standard repayment calculation that you would find typically in excel or any other financial calculator. Most banks have very unique formula’s that they use to determine the actual repayment, you can set the repayment in ID manually by un-checking the “Always Calculate Repayment” and entering the repayment the bank has cal…[Read more]

  • Investment Detective replied to the topic Download 2nd copy on new Laptop in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Raymond

    Right now there are no emails for new versions, if you keep an eye on the ID download page it will be updated occasionally.

    I am hoping to introduce an automatic update check in a future version that will alert users to a new release.



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Investment Detective

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