hoarel replied to the topic Can AU resident get loan from OS for PPOR??? in the forum Finance 15 years, 4 months ago
Hi All,Thanks for info. I am Australian, my PPOR is in Melbourne and my loan is with an Australian Bank. What got me thinking was a trip to Singapore. Reading a local newspaper I noticed that local banks in Singapore were advertising loans to buy Australian properties as investments and the loan rate was roughly 2% less than our rates in Au…[Read more]
hoarel replied to the topic Negotiating Real Estate Fees in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 10 months ago
Hi All,
Along with being a property investor, I also work for a REA, it helps with my investing to know what I am looking for and also what I am looking at.
To give you an example that you don’t have to pay agents big fees to get service, this is how our commission is setup.
House valued between 0-250k = $3,300 commission
House valued between…[Read more]hoarel replied to the topic Investing with Options in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
Hi all,
How do you make application to council for a development when the property isn’t even in your name? Do you notify the seller of your intentions and then apply on their behalf. Also I assume the costs of applicatoin and planning are at your own expense.
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.changingplaces.com.auhoarel replied to the topic To sell… or not to sell… in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi Slumlord,
Do you put the 80K in an offset account of the property you borrowed from? Also the interest on the 80K you did borrow wouldn’t be tax deductible would it? The purpose of use was to pay of debt not create investment. Could you help clear this up for me or am I off track
ChangingPlaces Real Estate.
Save up to 65% on…[Read more]hoarel replied to the topic agents commission? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi Matt,
I work for a REA and without going into too much detail, I would say get a second opinion first from another REA. Also in Vic, a REA is required to sign a form, of which a copy is sent to a government department so that they are happy the sale price was fair and just.
Are you happy with the sale price?? Get a second opinion. My…[Read more]
hoarel replied to the topic Latham or Howard – seriosuly! in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 5 months ago
I have been happy with the way the John Howard has handled the economy and his time in parliament. Better the devil you now I think. Mark Latham is a bit of an unknown in my opinion and from what I can tell he had trouble just running a local council let alone a whole country!
ChangingPlaces Real Estate.
Save up to 65% on Real Estate…[Read more]hoarel replied to the topic “Court slams vendor terms property scam” in the forum Creative Investing 20 years, 5 months ago
Here is a link to the media report
ChangingPlaces Real Estate.
Save up to 65% on Real Estate commissions.
Email:[email protected]hoarel replied to the topic Trump in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago
I heard the company Bill (winner of apprentice) was employed to run went broke and the project for the building has gone down the tube.
ChangingPlaces Real Estate.
Save up to 65% on Real Estate commissions.
Mobile: 0421 224 696 Email:[email protected]hoarel replied to the topic Trust in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 6 months ago
I don’t know how old you are or what your plans are. But for me being in my 20’s, with a 3 and a 1 year old and another unborn. 80 years is bugger all in a plan for this generation. Throw in a couple of investment properties, and a farm. How do you expect the farm to be passed on if the trust expires in 80 years. To answer your…[Read more]
hoarel replied to the topic Trust in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 6 months ago
I found out that trusts only last for 80 years. How are you going to pass the trust to you kids when the trust expires and they have to transfer everything to a new trust and pay CGT or sell everything and pay CGT?????
How do you get around this??
hoarel replied to the topic Commission to RE agent/PM in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 6 months ago
Some agents offer a fixed fee for selling now.
This would seem to be more fair as the amount of money an agent would receive for selling your house for $10,000 more would be $200 (2% of $10,000), then take away 50% of the money retained by the company and the sales person gets $100 for selling your house for $10,000 more.
Some agents might not…[Read more]hoarel replied to the topic Private rent agreement form? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 6 months ago
In Vic, the consumer.vic.gov.au website has a form section with all the forms that agents use, they are free for personal use. Agents have to pay (I think). Tenancy agreement, notice to vacate, condition report etc etc.
hoarel replied to the topic Council rate recovery auction in the forum General Property 20 years, 6 months ago
Hi Misty,
You mentioned the cfa, Do you mean the Country Fire Authority? For what reason did you ask for the owners contact details.
hoarel replied to the topic ? on real estate agents fee in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 8 months ago
If you still have an exclusive authority with your first agent and you liked them, then I would be telling the second agent with the buyer to approach you via your first agent. This way both agents would split the commission by whatever agreement they came to.
Hope this makes sense.
hoarel replied to the topic Subdivision and CGT in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 8 months ago
Thanks 007,
Your answer makes sense if the land was vacant. Do you think there would be a different answer if one of the blocks had a house on it. Would you then need to take into account the land value and the house value to derive the percentage that would be accessable for CGT?
hoarel replied to the topic LOC and interest deduction in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 8 months ago
Hi Ibuycashflow,
I do have the cash to pay for the pergola fully. I thought if I could do it, it would be more wise to pay some money of my ppor (not deductable) and then redraw via a LOC and then claim the interest. The one thing I wasn’t sure of was when using money from my LOC for a capital expenditure if I could claim the interest as a…[Read more]
hoarel replied to the topic Help -Tenancy Agreement Form? in the forum General Property 20 years, 10 months ago
You can download all the forms you need from the Consumer Affairs Vic website
hoarel replied to the topic Commercial property questions in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Hi Pisces
The property was advertised as a commercial premise. The business using it is a textile type company using it as a shop front. What do you think it should be classed as?
hoarel replied to the topic Commercial property questions in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks for the replies,
Could anyone recommend a website or 2 that have some general commercial property for sale so that I can get a rough idea of how this property stacks up against others.
_se7en_ what sought of businesses do you general find are sold with the building included.
hoarel replied to the topic Private Equity/Business Angel in the forum Finance 21 years, 1 month ago
Hi All,
Thanks for th replies, I have been away from a computer for a few days and just got a chance to log back on the web. Anyway to answer some questions:
The land area is 800 acres. It is relatively close to a capital city and should sell easily to “lifestyle buyers”. It has preapproval from the council for an 8×100 acre lot subdivision…[Read more]
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