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  • geosan replied to the topic Leasing an apartment to a hotel in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 10 months ago

    Electricity, along with all expenses are tax deductible. With regard to the split up of the money, my unit is actually in a resort in QLD. I am charged 12.5% mngt fee, plus 5% marketing (covers QANTAS brochures, etc), plus all outgoings (eg. cleaning at the end of a stay).

    With the new managers i have had over the last 2 yrs, they stated that the…[Read more]

  • geosan replied to the topic Leasing an apartment to a hotel in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 10 months ago

    To clarify a few points for you. The rental pool refers to the unit being centrally controlled by the on site management, as opposed you doing the bookings yourself – I know of several cases where this is done, but mainly refers to holiday bookings (resorts). In your case, it is the rooms that the hotel actually rents out on your behalf.

    You will…[Read more]

  • geosan replied to the topic Leasing an apartment to a hotel in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 10 months ago

    From personal experience i wouldn’t touch it. I am in the process of selling an apartment in QLD, after losing a substantial amout of money. If you want a really good negative geared property go for it, but be aware of the problems that may catch you out.

    I’ve had this property for over 5 years, and it is only now that i can actually sell it,…[Read more]

  • geosan replied to the topic Westpac and Defence Force Housing in the forum General Property 18 years, 10 months ago

    Wouldn’t touch it. If we are to do things differently, why would we hand over control of our asset to someone else. To me it is the same as investing in other properties that are “managed” by a third party. I have had personal experience of this when some years ago (long before knowing about SMcK!), and have found it to be the most unpleasant…[Read more]


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