geo replied to the topic 300 in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years, 2 months ago
good on u lifex – keepem posting.
the starts make u fell great mate – im still tryin to catch upto chandollars[confused2]
I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how
geo replied to the topic $500,000 Smackers ! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 2 months ago
I disagree with all the above…
Simply give your money to charity…charity as in me. Yes me, me and more me.
I will make the sacrifice by looking after your money for you and since you don’t know what to do with it or how to spend it, it would be wise to give it to someone who does know how to spend it – that person would be me. Yes…[Read more]
geo replied to the topic -ve geared property in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 2 months ago
Hi Marty,
Sorry but i tend to disagree. I would initially not repay my principal to allow for extra chash to build for deposits but once I have enough +CF to live comfortably, I would immediately repay my principal for 2 reasons
i) I don’t like the banks taking my money
ii) I can increase my +CF exponentially which inturn allows for…[Read more]geo replied to the topic Trip to NZ in January 2005 in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years, 2 months ago
Hey Oz,
I flew on Freedom Air – great airline and they only fly into Dunedin. Then you catch a shuttle bus for about NZ$10 into the city. There are some good hotels there. Remind me later to give you the name of where I stay and the car rental. I have all these details at home.
Kind Regards,
Geo.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn…[Read more]
geo replied to the topic -ve geared property in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 2 months ago
Hi Summer,
initially youd want to have your IP on IO terms in order to secure the deposits for other properties. Later on, it’s best to repay the loans amount as quickly as possible so you pay less interest and your ROI increases.
Geo.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If…[Read more]
geo replied to the topic 11 Second rule in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 2 months ago
typo error – rule
I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how
geo replied to the topic 11 Second rule in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 2 months ago
Hi Dan,
Do a search for the ’11 second ruke’ – This topic has been discussed countless times that we will just be repeating ourselves.
Look at the topics under ‘Tell Tale’ for the experience of others.
Geo.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me…[Read more]
geo replied to the topic Telstra vs ACN in the forum No Subject 20 years, 2 months ago
Originally posted by happycouple:
Do you know if they are trading on the ASX?I know they are not trading on the ASX and never will. It’s because they don’t that they can allow profit distribution to be paid back to the Reps.
Geo.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested,…[Read more]
geo replied to the topic Telstra vs ACN in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 2 months ago
Originally posted by happycouple:
hmm. So how many people here are actually using their services????? Anyone??[suave]
the numbers are growing daily…
I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how
geo replied to the topic Telstra vs ACN in the forum No Subject 20 years, 3 months ago
Originally posted by bt:
Outlay is a headset with microphone.. we think its pretty cool.…who wants to use a headset and microphone…
I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how
geo replied to the topic Lawyer in Melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
Hey Kev,
yeah kind of – ill check out the lawyer who’s buying the firm off my old lawyer
I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how
geo replied to the topic the 11 second rule in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
be careful – it’s only a guide.
if the property doesn’t meet the this ’11 second rule’ it could still be an excellent purchase. Do more research.
Geo.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how
geo replied to the topic trusts in NZ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
approach your solicitor and accountant on legal and tax issues
but for simple answers, id PM castledreamer, Min and Westan – i believe they’ve done what your after.
Geo.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how
geo replied to the topic Starts from? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
if it’s a house and land package in one deal that will be completed in 12 months, that should be ok.
but if you purchase to build a ‘property’ in 6 months time then on-sell it after 6 months, you will not have the tax advantage.
geo.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested,…[Read more]
geo replied to the topic Sell or Hold in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
Whether it be sell or hold, figures won’t give you the answer.
it depends on your goal in life and your strategies to get there. Do you want to offset Tax or purchase for long-term growth or want to retire in two years???
geo.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop…[Read more]
geo replied to the topic -ve geared property in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
Hi Yack,
read Peter Spann’s – and agree with you. Quality is good to go for.
But it sounds like summer is suffering painfully from the $150 a week out of pocket so i suggested to sell it, cash in and purchase 2 +CF investments and be comfortable. If the out of pocket expense was not an issue, then I would suggest to definetely hold onto…[Read more]
geo replied to the topic Tassie in the forum No Subject 20 years, 3 months ago
Hi Amanda,
do a search on Tassie – it’s been discussed at length in the previous months – some very hot topics and issues on Tassie and it’s mining and investment properties down there.
Geo.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how
geo replied to the topic Starting Out in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
aussie is right – technially you dont need any money to invest.
but with $30k up your sleeve, you could purchase two good +CF investment properties. You have good deposits – so go for it I say.
George.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me…[Read more]
geo replied to the topic -ve geared property in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
If there will be no boom in that area cause its already happened, then sell it and buy two +CF properties.
George.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how
geo replied to the topic Lawyer in Melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
Sorry – could have helped you with my lawyer but he’s off to New York to do property law there
George.I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how
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