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  • gazmatazz replied to the topic Top Suburbs for property investing in Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 1 month ago

    Hi guys,

    I've spent quite a bit of time working and living in Brisbane over the years. I have to say I agree with Aussieguy2000, it is absolutely a matter of opinion in terms of what suburb would make a good long term investment. Personally, I always preferred to live somewhere reasonably close to the CBD and with a family type feel to it. Kelvin…[Read more]

  • gazmatazz replied to the topic Melbourne CBD apartments in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 4 months ago

    I'd agree with you on the growth in Melbourne Nige, but not so much for Brisbane. Being a QLDer myself I've seen how volatile it can be. It always seems to be the first to go up and the first to go down… Not to mention the fact that Brisbane has markets like the Gold Coast in it. Home of the marketers and spruikers which start these bubbles in…[Read more]

  • gazmatazz replied to the topic Anyone Used USInvest ? Looking at buying US propety through them in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 7 months ago

    Well guys, I hate to play devils advocate but I did A LOT of research. I took close to 8 weeks to decide on which Aussie company wasn't a blatant rip-off and to be blatantly honest, my answer is probably none. Still, I didn't want to go there and do it myself so I went with the company I thought helped me out the most and that was US Invest. I…[Read more]

  • gazmatazz replied to the topic Cash Flow Gold in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 8 months ago

    Any company that 30% net returns is a scam in my opinion. What happened to all those people Cash flow Gold sold to in Detroit? Are they still getting the 'amazing' returns people were promised? Its just a pity it took so long for Aussies to wake up to such marketeering and I daresay the exact same thing will happen here. What will happen when all…[Read more]

  • gazmatazz replied to the topic Property In North Dakota -Whats The Catch?? in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 9 months ago

    Yes, interesting point Tyrone. The fact they are selling US property doesn't scare me as much as the returns they are promising!! Seems crazy to think that people ACTUALLY believe they will get a 30% yield!! If this was the case, surely these spruikers would just invest millions and then retire within a matter of a few short years??

  • gazmatazz replied to the topic Purchasing in USA using SMSF in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi guys, hoping you can help:
    Also looking to buy in US, either through SMSF or cash. I need to know how I can set-up a US bank account from Oz as I spoke to a few companies of which some said they could do it, none have managed to actually come up with the goods.
    Would I do it with my LLC name? If I was to use a company selling property in the US…[Read more]

  • gazmatazz replied to the topic Calling All Atlanta experts in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 4 months ago

    So I hear Speedy. My two properties are both in Mackay. Too far north for the two-tiered marketers I hope!
    Both mine have done me well but I'm just not so sure about putting my money on foreign soil. The problem is, most of what you see on the internet doesn't make sense so I might just have to buy myself a ticket to the America and visit…[Read more]

  • gazmatazz replied to the topic Calling All Atlanta experts in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 4 months ago

    Speedy, I know in Australia, I would be taking a lot more into account than the cost per sq. ft. What about its location? proximity to schools,? Street Frontage? I'm just a window shopper at this stage but I would suggest doing your own research and finding a few key 'wow' factors about the property. Its worked for me in all my Queensland…[Read more]


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