gatsby replied to the topic Best landlord’s insurance policy? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago
Never had to use it but i'm with CGU also.Cheers,Gats!
gatsby replied to the topic To hang on patiently or buy?? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago
Many thanks Richard and thinker. On what I have provided how much would I be able to borrow as a rough guide? I've cut back nearly all expenses and I'm living very 'spartan' to say the least. Due to the cost of selling then having to pay entry costs again at a later date (at tomorrow's prices) I would prefer to keep the two investment properties…[Read more]
gatsby replied to the topic We are looking to buy an investment property soon in Qld anyone have any tips on where to buy? and why? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago
There does seem to be a lot of infrastructure being put in place in Surat. There are also a couple of natural resources being given the nod from the government (underground gas useage, etc). Also it appears to be becoming an agricultural mecca which should raise employment.Cheers,Gats!
gatsby replied to the topic Any comments between the differance in value of information on this site and ‘The Investers Club’ in the forum Forum Frolic 15 years, 6 months ago
From my personal experience I'd give big Kev and his cronies a big miss with TIC. I had a property that I purchased only to be 'gazumped' by the very people involved in getting me the property. Let the buyer beware!Cheers,Gats!
gatsby replied to the topic Please Help: Can Vendor Withdraw Signed Contract? in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years, 6 months ago
That's actually quite a valid point Keiko.
gatsby replied to the topic Good accountant needed in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years, 6 months ago
That's quite a valid point Keiko.
gatsby replied to the topic How do you find/choose a conveyancer or solicitor? in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years, 6 months ago
Hi Trev,It's a good question and I've been out of the property game for several years. For someone starting out as a novice how would I find a property conveyancer if I was buying for the first time? Where would Iook to avoid getting trapped into a one shop package style deal with a developer (which happened to me once. Many thanks!Cheers,Gats!
gatsby replied to the topic Advance Special Notice of Active Property Network Meeting Monday 3rd August in the forum Heads Up! 15 years, 6 months ago
Hi Troy,I sent you an email and registered last night to your newsletter. Am looking forward to the event.Cheers,Gats!
gatsby replied to the topic How do you manage your properties? in the forum General Property 15 years, 6 months ago
I also have two investment properties and use separate property managers for both. They do a great job and I buy them a gift every Xmas or if a new tennant is found. They save me time more importantly and I'd shop around tomorrow if they performed poorly. I view them as, in a sense, part of the 'business' if that makes sense.Cheers,Gats!
gatsby replied to the topic Air conditioning worth it? in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 6 months ago
I put one in about a year ago (admittedly along with a couple of other improvements). This was when rents were starting to come on the rise. It added $100 a week more to the rent and effectively made the property cashflow positive (this was in addition to interest rates falling).Cheers,Gatsby!
gatsby replied to the topic Mislead by Financial advisors who stole my propert in the forum General Property 18 years, 7 months ago
Hi hlewishlewis,
It upsets me to hear of your predicament. I wish I could jump on the bandwagon and offer proactive solutions to correct the injustice you have suffered at the hands of others. I truly belive and know that replies to follow will lead you to an outcome that hopefully satisfies your predicament, brought on by the hands of others. I…[Read more]gatsby replied to the topic Quitting Your Day Job in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 10 months ago
Of the people who have freed up time in the pursuit of investing, I’m interested in how many are single and not in a relationship (where one person works and the other partner sources the deals) in using their freed up time to achieve their common goal?
Cheers Gatsby!“Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is often the best thing to do.”
gatsby replied to the topic I’m back & I’m faster in the forum Forum Frolic 18 years, 10 months ago
Hi Brenda,
Great to see you back with your sage words and advice. Re: Broadband. Same problem here and have signed up also.
Gatsby.“Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is often the best thing to do.”
gatsby replied to the topic Doubling the worth of your IP in months in the forum Creative Investing 18 years, 11 months ago
So that’s what they mean by being able to have ‘multiple posts?’ [exhappy] My g’friend and I are sharing the keyboard at the moment . She insists on pressing the ‘delete’ key while my preference is for the one above it.[inlove]
Gatsby!“Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is often the best thing to do.”
gatsby replied to the topic What’s eating you? in the forum No Subject 18 years, 11 months ago
When do I start? I admire your outspoken approach to free speech, etc, but it does border a tad towards fantasy. I mean, imagine if I did get the job?
‘Gatsby, keep working!’
‘But there’s nothing left to do?’
‘Well then you pretend like you’re working Gatsby!’
‘Yeah?, well you’re the boss. Why don’t you pretend like you’re working for me!…[Read more]gatsby replied to the topic What are you doing on Christmas Day ? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 2 months ago
Roasted ‘sparrow’ (bones and all) in Cirali, Turkey wasn’t bad (mind you, you need at least a good half dozen to wet the appetite!).
This Xmas will be down at St Kilda with the homeless.
A very ‘skinny’ Gatsby!
PS. Good to be back in OZ!“Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is often the best thing to do.”
gatsby replied to the topic Namaste from Kolkata!! in the forum No Subject 19 years, 2 months ago
Hi Dr.X,
Yes you guessed it, ‘Pakistan’! Hi Dazz! The only weights so far have been my backpack and people!I’m working at Prem Dam (The House for the Dying) under the Missionaries of Charity started by Mother Teresa. I’m a Nurse and when I started, one guy who is doing a fantastic job and running the place had me thinking he was the Doctor. When I…[Read more]gatsby replied to the topic Annoying Phone Calls in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 3 months ago
Hi Foundation,
I’m sitting in an internet cafe in Calcutta and today I couldn’t get a phone to work for the life of me!!! Maybe I should have asked if I could make a prank call to OZ?
“Oh, here sir try this one!”
“Gee, thanks!”
Then after I managed to call home I stepped outside and stepped in cow cuck! I could have killed that cow (if only I…[Read more]gatsby replied to the topic Next Stop Kolkata (Calcutta)! in the forum No Subject 19 years, 3 months ago
Cheers Sime,
I’ll be in Calcutta for 2 weeks doing a bit of volunteering then off to Rajasthan and then Jaisalmer. I’ll keep everyone posted. There will definetly be some ‘real life’ jokes coming out of this trip (again!).
Gatsby.“Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is often the best thing to do.”
gatsby replied to the topic Sth East Melb Discussion Group in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 3 months ago
Hi jcso99,
You read my mind as I logged on to post the same question.
Gatsby.“Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is often the best thing to do.”
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