garrytas replied to the topic The Taurest Dollar.. in the forum General Property 20 years, 3 months ago
Just wondering what a TAUREST is?
Is it a resting place for Bulls[thumbsup2]
Garrytas[email protected] Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
availablegarrytas replied to the topic Managing agents in the forum General Property 20 years, 3 months ago
Hi Merry
6% sounds pretty competative check the fees and extras, get a list of charges.Find out how often they inspect the premises.
Good luck with it [thumbsup2]
Garrytas[email protected] Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
availablegarrytas replied to the topic any thoughts on Tassie? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago
Hi Elle
If you are in the Devonport area, and want to speak to someone who is totally biased toward Tasmania and the NW Coast [thumbsupanim] in particullar but does have an understanding of what you may be looking for give me a call.or PM me.
Garrytas[email protected] Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
availablegarrytas replied to the topic Residential v Commercial in the forum General Property 20 years, 3 months ago
I Guess it comes down to spreading the risk factor
I think I would rather have 10 x $1mill commercial properties,than 100 x $100K residential properties, but I would rather have 10 residential props than 1 commercial.Hope this makes sense!Commercial Properties are generally better yeilding and less hassle but if they are vacant it can take a…[Read more]
garrytas replied to the topic Tasmania Rosebery,Strahan news in the forum General Property 20 years, 4 months ago
Good morning Yorker
I thought you might like it!
regards garrytas[email protected] Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
availablegarrytas replied to the topic Am I splitting hairs? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 4 months ago
Yes I think you are!
Unless you are charging an annual rent.
Normally residential rent is based on a weekly figure of which there are 52 weeks in a year,
Therefore weekly rent*52/12 would be correct
If you were for example charging say a rent of say
$25000 per year then the second method would be correct, more usual in commercial…[Read more]garrytas replied to the topic Market turning in the forum General Property 20 years, 4 months ago
Thanks Yorker can I have one as well, with regard to Rosebery I wasnt recommending a purchase, just pointing out the difficulty with managing a property there! No we don`t manage properties in Rosebery or sell them, with regard to RE agents comments, The facts can be checked,what has happened over the last 4/5 months in Tasmania is the volume of…[Read more]
garrytas replied to the topic Market turning in the forum General Property 20 years, 4 months ago
Hi Yorker
Certainly things in Sunny Tasmania are moving again NW Tasmania median price moved upwards 3% in the last 3 months to August( comm bank property stats) the enquiry level has certainly increased, and sales in the mid- high price range are now happening Yes Spring is in the air!!
BTW haven`t been to Rosebery for a while, but I would…[Read more]
garrytas replied to the topic Anthony Robbins in the forum Heads Up! 20 years, 4 months ago
Hi Sonia
Just do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best 3 days ever spent
Garrytas[thumbsup2][email protected] Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
availablegarrytas replied to the topic building on someone elses land, any thoughts? in the forum No Subject 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi Judy
First thing first,
Check with local council that you can do it !
otherwise you can waste alot of time.
Good luck
garrytas[wink][email protected] Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
availablegarrytas replied to the topic +Cf all cleaned out? or just current market? in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi Yorker
Just a hungry REA looking for a free lunch!!!
garrytas[thumbsupanim][email protected] Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
availablegarrytas replied to the topic Commercial Property Investing in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago
Welcome Unified,
I`ll start the ball rolling!
IMHO Important things to look for
What is the history of vacances in the shopping strip How easy would it be to rent if the tenant falls over.
How strong is the tenant, for that you would need to see his trading figures,personally I would not like to see his rent at more than 10 % of his turnover and…[Read more]garrytas replied to the topic Town house design in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago
Thanks Boriqa
Can you check the address again for me
Garrytas[cap][email protected] Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
availablegarrytas replied to the topic Bullish about this market in the forum No Subject 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi Yorker
I guess thats the million doller Question.
My own experience in Tas is that the volumes dropped dramatically during the winter but prices held, no sign of panic selling, and the median price rose slightly. With Spring nearly here volumes of sales are increasing slightly. I think that with a median price of $180,000 there is not a lot of…[Read more]garrytas replied to the topic More on offer conditions … in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi everyone
As a REA i would consider it very un profesional to submit anything less than a written contract to my vendor, yes we all would like an unconditional contract but the reality is there is usually some legitimate reason for clauses,hower they should be specific and not general.
garrytas [cigar][email protected] Always have…[Read more]
garrytas replied to the topic Commercial rates in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi Tools
Generally commercial rents are net that is +gst,and the lessee pays the land tax,there are exceptions.
Purchase prices are usually + GST but again there are exceptions,the owners can apply the margin scheme in some cases.If they are being advertised it should state + GST but there is a lot of confusion in this area so ask the…[Read more]garrytas replied to the topic Tasmanian Health ?? in the forum No Subject 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi Gmh 454
Would you rather earn $1mil per year in Sydney and have a mortgage on a $5mil waterfront property
or $400,000 a year in Hobart and live in a Waterfront property of the same standard for $1mil? It comes down to preferences wether you want to sit on the harbour bridge in traffic jams
or complaining that you were caught at the traffic…[Read more]garrytas replied to the topic Tasmanian Health ?? in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago
Will have to jump in and defend Tasmania from someone that has lived here for 20 years ( previously lived Sydney,Paris, London.)There are 2 teaching hospitals , one in Hobart, one in Launceston and 2 major hospitals on the NW coast( Burnie, Devonport) and like all regional hospitals are facing increasing difficulty recruiting staff. Having said…[Read more]
garrytas replied to the topic conjoined units in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 6 months ago
The Mall in Devonport is always very tightly held
vacancies fill quickly, usually property rarely comes available, and I have a list of prospective puchasers waiting for property there.
yeilds generally around 8% but nothing has sold recently to test that. Devonport is experiencing strong commercial growth with the advent of the new…[Read more]garrytas replied to the topic conjoined units in the forum No Subject 20 years, 6 months ago
Sadly I don`t have a spare 1/2 Mill Deposit,
otherwise I would
Garry[email protected] Always have cashflow positive Tasmanian commercial properties
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