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  • gabmar started the topic Home becomes a rental property in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 6 years ago

    We bought a townhouse in January 2010 and the townhouse was our main residence until we moved into a new house on 1 June 2014. On 20 June 2014 we began renting out the old townhouse. We are planning to sell our old townhouse this year (2019) and wanted to know what is the best way to obtain its market value from the time it become an…[Read more]

  • gabmar started the topic Sourcing a Solicitor in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 8 months ago

    Hi All,

    I’m based in Sydney and I’m looking to purchase an IP in QLD. Can anybody recommend a solicitor with extensive experience in IP acquisitions?
    Also should I be sourcing from Sydney with experience in interstate transactions or directly from QLD.



  • gabmar started the topic Loan structure for second IP in the forum Finance 9 years, 5 months ago


    I have started to research for my second IP and I’m seeking some advice on how to structure the mortgage. I’m planning to draw down from existing equity up to $ 120,000 to buy the second IP. I’m estimating around $ 450,000 + all related costs.
    My question is do I go to my existing bank or seek another. If I stay with existing one should I…[Read more]

  • gabmar started the topic Novice Property Investor in the forum General Property 10 years ago

    Hi All,

    I’m looking at buying an investment property around Newcastle area as I have been told the local government is planning to build a new airport and so the surrounding towns should become the next hot spots. Any suggestions how I should approach the due diligence process as I’m unsure where to start? I also believe the Newcastle area is…[Read more]


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