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  • fitzydarling replied to the topic $150,000.00 cash to invest Property or Silver in the forum General Property 14 years, 9 months ago

    my very first investment decades ago was two kilos of silver when the bunker hunts cornered the market. to my amazement after buying the first kilo for $500 it went up to $1500, then I bought another at about $1100 expecting it to go up again and it just slid down and down and down and was worth about $200 a bar for the next few decades. made…[Read more]

  • fitzydarling replied to the topic 3 Day Mega Conference opinion. in the forum the black box for saving the 14 years, 9 months ago

    the black box for saving the dog and Ron Whites Mary Kaye Karmic story reminded me of my own Karmic experience at the conference. Day 1 I was in the queue for a few minutes lining up for my goody bag. the lady behind me recognised me from a queensland conference two years before and said she had always remembered me because I had been apparently…[Read more]

  • fitzydarling replied to the topic 3 Day Mega Conference opinion. in the forum I really enjoyed being at 14 years, 9 months ago

    I really enjoyed being at the conference. I knew there would be people there selling their product but I found it really stimulating to listen to the speakers and consider what they were saying. I bought the aussie rob stuff in 2008 and it was a complete disaster. there was no support at all and no one actually taught you how to lay the trades…[Read more]

  • fitzydarling replied to the topic WealthScore…. How Did You Go? in the forum General Property 17 years, 5 months ago

    Well I can live until 2032 so I am a little bit amazed.   I suppose when money is tied up in property it doesnt feel like real money that you could use.  Its made me wonder a bit – like how great it would be to sell everything and just live off it!

  • fitzydarling replied to the topic Anyone want to do JV’s in regional Vic in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 5 months ago

    Hi MaxI'm in the south west too.  Iwould be interested in discussing any JVS too.fitzydarling


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