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Event Horizon

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Bankwest or Run? in the forum Finance 15 years, 5 months ago

    my understanding is Bankwests rate tracker is as you said 0.9 of standard, ie 4.84 then converts in 3yrs to 0.5 off for life of loan… Currently with westpac I have 0.85 off for the life of the loan and thats with only 450k variable, the rest of my money is all fixed (unfortunately)The point is nows the time to negotiate with the banks on the…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic what do you think of Redcliffe Queensland in the forum General Property 15 years, 5 months ago

    Neve,Like you I live in NSW have an IP in inner south brisbane (woolloongabba) and the last purchase was in Scarborough up the rd from Redcliffe. I bought a 3 bed house in May 07 for just under $300k, rents for $320/w 200m from the water,  growth hasnt been spectacular due to the last 6 months but long term I feel comfortable. The area in gener…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Planning to visit Sydney………..need advice! in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago

    ipfreely is missing the point.If you want to go to sydney, why stay in the middle of know where, parra north ryde, dont agree with that at all…If you want to experience the place than I suggest you stay somewhere central or by the beach/harbour.parking and traffic……..look it ain that bad…………peak hour is really no different to the…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic NEW TO INVESTING – SYDNEY STUDIO UNIT A GO? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago

    yes I0 loan with offset and buy a bigger unit. Which eastern suburb are you looking at?  Have you tryed darlinghurst east sydney area, another area offering good yeilds is chippendale and darlington.I was looking at this kind of property about a yrs ago (cant imagine much upward price movement since) and I looked at a fantastic 50m2 apartment in…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Golden rules for investment properties in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago

    God of moneyEven the big bank can do you those rates with offsetCombank have 5.04% with 100% offset if you have there pro pack equivelant, this includes 0.7 off their standard variable.Westpac is 5.21% with 100% offset with there pro pack but you could negotiate to 5.11%  depending on your borrowings and circumstancesAlso if you talk to Mates Rate…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic jobs lost in building industry in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 5 months ago

    I also work in construction, but at the front end, design and architecture.. The story here is very bleek, ive been made reduntant twice since sept 08, and I would be considered very employerable in a good market. Now there are very few jobs, half the job agencies have sacked there architectural agents as there is nothing for them to do, maybe you…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Defence Housing in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 7 months ago

    Defence housingYou have defended slow sales, yeilds etc, but no comment on capital growth?  Someone in my family (a low risk investor as you said) bought one 15yrs ago with a reasonable yeild and a hassle free investement held for 10 yrs and sold it absolutue  zero capital growth after sitting on the market for 18months.. At the time of purchase i…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic SE QLD & SA investing? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 7 months ago

    dont know for sure as havent dont the RD DD on the details of these areas, but generally these areas still get good press and are worth a look. The gold coast brisbane corridor in particular is always going to be realitively safe steady bet, long term.

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic What Financial Crisis? in the forum General Property 15 years, 7 months ago

    What financial crisis?  Dont get too cocky!!! Im no Dooms dayer and infact  if I had the secure funds, Id be buying up left and right if i could right now. However even though Im regarded as a highly skilled proffessional in my area of expertise within the construction industry ,I still have been made redundant twice in 3 months. Lucky for me I…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Interest rate discounts in the forum Finance 15 years, 7 months ago

    QLD007 makes a good point,,,,, but generally you could expect reductions such as 500k+…. 0.8% 1m+ 0.9 to 1% off maxhavent heard of more than 1%

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic living off credit cards and putting all our wages on our loan? in the forum Finance 15 years, 7 months ago

    yes this is a good idea and yes you will save on interestThere a differeent ways to do this.  What you mention is a loan with a redraw facility but you can also have a loan with an offset account.Your solution depends on your current loan type and what it allows you do and for what cost. My advise is speak to your lender however..My pref…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Buying Capital Growth Properties in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 8 months ago

    janedavothere are many drivers for cap growththe most obvious reason is due to supply and demand.what drives this can be any of number of the  following.proximity to infra-structure like hospitals, schools, train, bus, freeway, universitylifestyle precint, close to cafes, bars, restaurants, beach, river, parks, entertainment venues, golf clubs…[Read more]

  • Funny, was down there in sept (just a holiday) and looked at the realestate windows as you do and thought the same, cheap, good rent, etc and since then this area has popped up a few times through my various general research.. yes there appears to also be al the other fundimentals for growth as you mentioned. worth a look, You might have some competition :)

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic 7% pa Guaranteed Rental for 10 Years in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 9 months ago

    as god or moneys says, the supply and demand equation is not in your favour on this deal, limited supply and strong demand is the key to a good investment , then worry about the yeild.

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Property Transfer advice in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 9 months ago

    phungu,I had to transfer a title some years ago from 2 names into my name.  The valuation as recall was done via an independant valuer via the bank I held the mortgage with ( i think).Anyway the point is this, the  valuation in my view was  about 20-25% under the current  market value, this valuation was in an rapid upward market of 2003,( p…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic trusts and stamp duty issues in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years, 9 months ago

    thanks terry..without a trust set up are we allowed to buy in my partners name even if we are defacto and collect FHOG?PS. I thought one of the pros of trusts (such as Hybrid trusts) was that there is no stamp on title transfer?

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Are people still investing in such hard times in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 9 months ago

    tricky question, depending on where you plan investing and personal circumstance, how does the R word  effect you2 weeks ago I was sitting tight and a little nervous, just retrenched due to the down turn, thinking shite my properties values are also likely to, or beginning to slide backward or sideways with no plans to take on more debt obvio…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Should I be buying now? in the forum General Property 15 years, 10 months ago

    yes scamp you did warn us, but you also told us interest rates were going to keep going up! 50% fall in house prices, maybe where you live, still seeing record prices in my neighbourhood in recent weeks and demand way above supply, that said, i would – be far more cautious about buying now, many areas will most likely see falls, but i would have…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Houses versus Units in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 10 months ago

    i think Jon might be to simplistic and have an agenda….but agree with erics view on location…however if you can buy high demand  location and a quality free standing house (with all the usual ticks marked off on the list) then you will be far better of than a non discript, developer designed , medium density eye sore ( in Jons area of sales t…[Read more]

  • Event Horizon replied to the topic Sydney market in the forum General Property 15 years, 10 months ago

    hi benderfile and otherssorry 3 months to late on the original post but my view is this.benderfile i would hold. Tempe in my view is a weaker market than say newtown/eskinville and those markets are flat or in slight neg growth for now.. People are more likely to buy in tempe when closer in is humming and they just cant buy in… So with that in m…[Read more]

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Event Horizon

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