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  • elves replied to the topic Which Bank? in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 9 months ago

    I chopped my CBA Visa card.

    I chopped diners too, the reason some time ago, I lost quite a few points when Ansett went down the tubes and diners also did a restructure of its points from 1.5 to 1 per dollar spent. A while back they also increased their annual fee! Ouch was that high.

    My amex, well its about to go under the knife. The products…[Read more]

  • elves replied to the topic Stock of cf+ re in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 9 months ago

    at times of budgets and possible elections, people tend not to spend.

    nsw has been hit pretty bad with the land tax threshold and the stamp duty addition, so we have a cooling off or crash or slump whatever you want to call it, but this is like a share market in many ways, there are people out there cashed up ready to go again.

    they wait for the…[Read more]

  • elves replied to the topic Lessons in Logic – 8 in the forum No Subject 20 years, 9 months ago

    wow chan I missed it when you became a moderator!

    congrats, if thats what it is….lol

    arent we being rather blinkered? sexists? could be another man behind the succesful man, you know, er well leave that with you.

    ” a blind man may see what a sighted man may not”

  • elves replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years, 9 months ago

    gee I was looking thru some posts and all those names I ahve never seen before!

    I live west of syd. Plains


    ” a blind man may see what a sighted man may not”

  • elves replied to the topic Income Protection in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 9 months ago

    I suggest you shop around
    they do vary
    and get what you want in a policy, you know they are pretty expensive and if you have some super cover, you may find you have some cover like trauma, accident,or er death, depends on the funds.

    Income protection is one thing, but they usually have the clauses and charges befitting the time frames, eg three…[Read more]

  • elves replied to the topic This is a real hard one in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years, 9 months ago

    I probably should even try

    But I thought that the property held here and sold here would be subject to capital gains tax, or income earnt here, they will expect you to pay some sort of tax however there may be something available where as a NZ resident, you might be exempt from having to pay this.

    I only base this on a reverse: I owned nz…[Read more]

  • elves replied to the topic Cheapest way to send cash overseas? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 9 months ago

    It depends on how you want to send it, eg telegraphic transfer or bank cheque….
    westpac costs from 15 to 30 adn then fees most likely apply at the other end.


    ” a blind man may see what a sighted man may not”

  • elves replied to the topic Setting up a trust? Which sort? how? in the forum No Subject 20 years, 9 months ago

    I have a company, but I dont use it!

    My accountant told me to forget trusts and using the company. he still maintains that the chances of being sued are low, like why bother. That is not to say you dont insure!

    There is only me, no family, no one else, so all my properties are in my own name.

    But I will keep thinking about it all.


    ” a…[Read more]

  • elves replied to the topic 6 Things i’ve learnt in the forum No Subject 20 years, 9 months ago

    WOW marissa
    what is happening with your posts?
    Post and wait? See if they appear

    ” a blind man may see what a sighted man may not”

  • elves replied to the topic what would you do with the money? in the forum No Subject 20 years, 9 months ago

    yep and most people you speak to will tell you they are a no no, well I guess they are in many ways, I use them for a variety of reasons, and they come and go depending on my moods. LOL

    ” a blind man may see what a sighted man may not”

  • elves replied to the topic what would you do with the money? in the forum General Property 20 years, 9 months ago

    yep and most people you speak to will tell you they are a no no, well I guess they are in many ways, I use them for a variety of reasons, and they come and go depending on my moods. LOL

    ” a blind man may see what a sighted man may not”

  • elves replied to the topic Mod Conns in the forum General Property 20 years, 9 months ago

    unless the tenant agrees….

    I increased rents by including air cona nd dishwasher in two places, not in the third, dont like the tenants, ouch did i say that?

    better served with the rent as is

    ” a blind man may see what a sighted man may not”

  • elves replied to the topic Dave’s No-brainer in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 9 months ago


    people do tend to go on an ‘attack mode’ at times, sometimes it isnt really aimed directly, it just seems that way.

    I understand that to have a ‘copy’ of something is illegal, to borrow someone elses ‘back up’ copy well. we can all play the games…

    I buy my own books and products and download freebies where they have them for…[Read more]

  • elves replied to the topic How to YOU Do It?? in the forum General Property 20 years, 9 months ago

    There can be good gains to be had in negative properties in terms of CG, but there comes a point dont you think, where the ability to service a loan or loans, has to be met, and all negatives dont make for a positive in terms of income in.

    this is less limiting when properties are positive. A few dollars a week just wouldnt cut it for me…[Read more]

  • elves replied to the topic Mod Conns in the forum General Property 20 years, 9 months ago

    interesting idea, but would it really create a bigger return than not having it?

    ” a blind man may see what a sighted man may not”

  • elves replied to the topic 6 Things i’ve learnt in the forum General Property 20 years, 9 months ago

    dont be afraid to speak up
    dont be afraid to take risks
    know your limits and break them as the attitude tshirt says.
    do take action today
    be humble
    not everyone is out to rip you off
    not everyone is altruistic either!
    learn from like minded people
    leanr from dissimilar people, they can challenge the way you think


    ” a blind man may see…[Read more]

  • elves replied to the topic How to become a fortune teller and maker in the forum No Subject 20 years, 9 months ago

    My 2 bobs worth

    QLD: it is booming out west of the ranges past toowoomba, not enough places to sell I am told. Prices have jumped, cant get enough. Thats RE talk not mine.

    Logan: seen good growth despite some pretty bad socio-economic problems. I dont know much about ipswich (lack of time). Hi rental area, but can be problematic.

    Good coast to…[Read more]

  • elves replied to the topic Do you have written goals? in the forum General Property 20 years, 9 months ago

    well my goals came and went, as my changes in my life came and went, you start over again.
    I met my goals so I wrote new ones, but a hiccup happened again and it threw that out, so I started again, the thing is, I dont get caught up int he goals, they are there, if I dont reach them I dont panic.

    Goals need to be realisitc and attainable.
    Goals…[Read more]

  • elves replied to the topic Site Changes in the forum General Property 20 years, 9 months ago

    we are creatures of habit and I dont often visit elsehwere. I prefer here.
    I prefer it at the top too, but then that might be lazy me.

    we dont like change do we?

    ” a blind man may see what a sighted man may not”

  • elves replied to the topic Opportunity or Goal distraction in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 9 months ago

    Im happy with a neg cash flow property at present
    i mean just negative
    but i have the growth on my side with it, so it works in another way for me. Tax planning in the pipeline.

    I do rent two properties to family – I dont have a problem, and I do have leases. They know point blank, that i will be callous when it comes to business, there are no…[Read more]

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