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David Siacci

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Rent to Own Problem in the forum Creative Investing 6 years ago

    Very brief…
    Sell at the 540k with “mortgage like capital amount reductions” in the paperwork.
    Set it up for a longer term, like 7 to 10 years.
    Pay all the money received off the underlying loan.
    I would also pay an extra 10k a year off the underlying mortgage so that when the time comes for the buyer to settle there is no underlying…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Shared Property Ownership in the forum Creative Investing 6 years ago

    I love the SHO idea. I have been involved with only one back in the 1990’s. They provided the finance
    Great idea, but seek very good legal advice on how you set it up as there are very different implications of liability if your name is on title or not.

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Shared Property Ownership in the forum Creative Investing 6 years ago

    I love the SHO idea. I have been involved with only one back in the 1990’s. They provided the finance
    Great idea, but seek very good legal advice on how you set it up as there are very different implications of liability if your name is on title or not.

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Instalment Contract Tax Considerations in the forum Creative Investing 6 years ago

    If your buying then the tax is not your issue
    However, for the seller it will be assessed according to the contract date, unless its his primary place of residence which means the money is exempt.
    If its not his PPR then it will attract the tax on the whole amount accordingly unless they are in the business of Vendor Finance, then its taxed as it…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Lease Options in the forum Creative Investing 9 years ago

    Hello Argyle

    Selling properties using lease options is a great way to balance out your property portfolio, especially if you have negative geared properties as well. By including positive cash flow strategies you can even out the shortfalls of the capital growth properties and basically have your cake and eat it too.

    Properly formattted…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Lease Options in the forum Creative Investing 9 years ago

    Hello Argyle

    Selling properties a lease options is a great way to balance out your property portfolio especially if you have negative geared properties as well. By including positive cash flow strategies you can even out the shortfalls the capital growth properties and basically have your cake and eat it too.

    Properly format of paperwork with…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Wrap expenses in the forum Creative Investing 9 years ago

    We charge the buyer a weekly premium equivalent to 1/52 of the annualised cost of Council rates, water rates, building insurance and any other statutory charges related to the property. If it is an apartment there will also be body corporate fees that need to be included in this amount. On some properties this is around $40 a week but on others it…[Read more]

  • Hello Ando

    As you are looking at doing rent to own/lease options there is no licensing requirement for you to sell your own property in this fashion.
    Licensing is only required if you look at using credit contracts and getting that licence is virtually impossible, or if you are looking at selling properties you do not own without having a…[Read more]

  • Hello Ando
    As you are looking at doing rent to own/lease options there is no licensing requirement for you to sell your own property in this fashion.
    Licensing is only required if you look at using credit contracts and getting that licence is virtually impossible, or if you are looking at selling properties you do not own without having a…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Easements & not so permanent structures in the forum Value Adding 9 years, 2 months ago

    Coucil are fee collectors. Chances are you will have little problem getting a permit for building someting simle like a carprt over the easment. It should take about 12 weeks and a couple of thousand dollars. Oh I would still do it in concrete


  • David Siacci replied to the topic Help!!!!! in the forum Creative Investing 9 years, 2 months ago

    Do they own them outright or is there a loan?
    If there is no loan ask them to sell one to you and register as first mortgage. They have good security and an income in the form of interest. Buy the other one as you were going to.
    If there is a loan offering a couple of thousand as option fee(not refundable) or covering outgoings during the option…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic lease options for qld in the forum Creative Investing 9 years, 2 months ago

    From the people I know, the majority of VF transactions in QLD have long been Lease Options. Done with a reasonable amount of due diligence very few are going to end up anywhere near court anyway.

    The name of the legislation you mention should tell you how you will be treated by the law. national CONSUMER credit PROTECTION act. The legislation…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic How to grow an investment portfolio with limited Equity in the forum Creative Investing 9 years, 3 months ago

    At the last couple of Vendor Finance Association meetings this strategy has been a hot topic. The difference being the property is not purchased, maximizing profit by not paying stamps and giving more leeway for the numbers. Why buy when your goal is to onsell in the short term….

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Deposit Builder – a new vendor finance strategy in the forum Creative Investing 9 years, 5 months ago

    When selling via VF a realistic selling price is always preferential or your starting a transaction that will probably be doomed to fail. Keep the price real.

    In theory you can charge what you like as the market value of a property is supposed to to be what a buyer and a seller agree upon. However in the Australian Socialist System this will…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Deposit Builder – a new vendor finance strategy in the forum Creative Investing 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Ando

    What your describing is different to the deposit builder. Your talking about Deposit Finance.
    You will need a lender that will approve the finance for the larger portion ans well as accept the payments they make on the deposit. This used to be relatively easy as far as ‘different’ goes. With tightening of the credit laws it may be more…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Deposit Builder – a new vendor finance strategy in the forum Creative Investing 9 years, 5 months ago

    The Deposit Builder Strategy (“the Strategy”)
    by Lewis Obrien

    This article explores the merits of the Strategy and examines whether it is likely to be effective in avoiding the requirement of the National Consumer Credit Code (“the Code) that vendors in the business of selling residential real estate to consumers under vendor terms contr…[Read more]

  • There are 4 Meetings held per year and members can attend as many meetings across the country as they wish.
    Guests and new members are always welcome and the first meeting is free.

    – Working without a Licence – what can we do
    – Focusing on the Buyer
    – Using Options for profit
    – Spot of Advertising
    – Client Reporting
    – and much more

    Ryde…[Read more]

  • David Siacci started the topic FIRB rules in the forum Creative Investing 9 years, 9 months ago

    Under new laws that come into effect in December 1 2015, foreign persons will need to notify the Government and get prior approval to acquire an interest in certain types of Real Estate.

    An ‘interest’ includes buying Real Estate but can also include obtaining or agreeing to enter into a lease, or financing or profit sharing arr…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Need to save my negatively geared property in the forum Creative Investing 9 years, 9 months ago

    The hospital idea is a good one except they will not take a house with structural problems, only a fully renovated property. Any kind of government contract will require the house to be in perfect condition.

    If you go to sell it on Vendor Finance, I know that there was a fellow that need a few deals in Horsham for five years ago but have not…[Read more]

  • David Siacci replied to the topic Sean Summerville in the forum Heads Up! 11 years ago

    gags327 wrote:
    Hi Paul, I am interested in joining the vendor finance association. I am in North Queensland so would be unable to make any of the meetings that you seem to have. What other benefits are there for me apart from going to the meetings?

    The Vendor Finance Association is introducing a few new initiatives this year to help members…[Read more]

David Siacci

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