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  • crusty replied to the topic help needed today desperatly in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 1 month ago

    DHCP wrote:

    crusty wrote:

    DHCP wrote:

                  they wanted more money as they had a higher offer. .

    Learn from investors who've gone before us…deal with motivated seller only. I've used that strategy to all my purchases and it worked all the time.  So what's a motivated vendor? Seller that is going through divorce, move to diffe…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic help needed today desperatly in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 1 month ago

    DHCP wrote:
    If you tell the vendor to take it out of the market while you are under contract it will prevent you from getting gazump..that's how I bought several properties.

                  NO  IT WONT.          You can sign the the contract, the vendor can tell you anything, say he is despperate to sell and wants to sell  asap .  but until he si…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Bypassing the agent straight to the vendor. in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 1 month ago

    II approached an agent I didnt like, told him what I was looking for  tried to sell me houses I wasnt really interested in , but never mentioned the one I was intererested in and told me a whole heap of crap.        I promptly went to the house I was interersted in  the owners were packing up, said they were desperate to sell  as  they had to re…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Should I use property investment advisors? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 2 months ago

     Yep, get there advice than do the opposite.   I have listened to a few over the last 3 years  and the properties they all warn about buying  and tell you not to buy,  are the ones that have performed brilliantly,  being towns with populaton below 4,000 people ,getting strong  + CF  and high capital gains.    eg  Robinvale, merbein,Irym…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Concept of tenants and agents in the forum Opinionated! 13 years, 2 months ago

    What I can decipher, he wants 30% of people living on the street, and only people earning a salary should be able to rent a house, and they should be your spouse .  And that somehow, relationships need to be managed. 

  • crusty replied to the topic Saving money through owner builder? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 2 months ago

    Your  materials alone would probably cost more than then the 15k a franchisee of a large building company might  charge to  build, as they get bulk buying discounts.  you can also use their plans  for free,  they could have it done in 2 months reducing your holding cost,  know all the contacts and get things through council quickly.  And most of t…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic The process for a new investor in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 2 months ago

     of course you need finance first, you have no idea what to look at if you dont know what you can afford. to know this you need a broker,  before you get a broker you need an accountant, so you know which way to finance it ,and what level of gearing would suit your situation and how different scenarios will affect your tax and cashflow now and i…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Tax benefits of ‘lease’ or ‘hire purchase’ for a car? in the forum Forum Frolic 13 years, 2 months ago

    rusty05 wrote:
    The way I see it, the balloon payment (or residual) is the amount owing at the end of the lease when you either buy the car outright (not so common but that's what we did) or need to get for it at trade in to finalise payment.From someone with a 4 year uni degree – I agree with the tradie thing… hats off to all the tradies on…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Investor wanting extended settlement on our Property in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 3 months ago

      I know I am not the sharpest knife but why would you agree  to  pay rent to live in your own house to some-one who doesnt own it yet.  Its your house till settlement..   

  • crusty replied to the topic negotiating this price in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 3 months ago

    If the vendor rejects that,  you could ask if they would finance you for 20 or 30 k , or even more , even interest free, with payments in insallments or however it suits you.  It could be in exchange for quick settlement.  They would just need to  take a 2nd mortage on the property, which can be discharged when you repay the money.     It sounds…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Buyers Agent in Melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 4 months ago

    Shape wrote:
    Catherine Cashmore from JPP JPP Buyer Advocates P 03 9523 1054 | M 0458 143 089| F 03 9523 1082 368 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield South 3162

               I would endorse shapes suggestion of Catherine Cashmore,    she as shown she  has some integrity when she left another well known  B A .

  • crusty replied to the topic rural property finance in the forum Finance 13 years, 4 months ago

    SHales wrote:
    What sort of LVR for rural property purchased at Auction?Potential security which I have to offer is 1 x PPOR, 1 x res inv, $100K plus cattle.No cash deposit (unless I sell the cattle, which takes too long really).S

                  Shouldnt need to sell cattle,  get a loan against them with a  stock agent,  they will do 100% loans.

  • crusty replied to the topic Optimism in property investment remains in the forum Opinionated! 13 years, 5 months ago

    JackFlash wrote:
    The figures below taken with the inflation figures show how much heavy lifting inflation does in pushing CG over time. 1960 – 1972 = 12 years 1972 – 1975 = 3 years 1975 – 1983 = 8 years 1983 – 1988 = 5 years 1988 – 2001 = 13 years The average inflation rate for the period 1960 – 2006 was 5.47%. A net CG average of only 3.23%.…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic need a few opinion from you guys and gals in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 5 months ago

    JacM wrote:
    Agreed.  New accountant required.  Your accountant clearly doesn't get it.

         Also agreed get another accountant,     effectively you will need to to earn about  30% more to have the same amount of money left in your pocket to pay the  for the IP,     than  you will if you pay off the PPOR.

  •   How long is a piece of string? It depends. How much you want to spent, your cashflow, your ability to get finance, your objective. There can be a vast difference between the same types.  You are only limited by what your imagination.  Obviously talk to agents consultants and agronomist.   I would look at reliable  low rainfall (300mm) light so…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Farm home properties in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years, 6 months ago

      Thats interesing Terry, I didnt know that,  I would assume that is 65k taxable non farm income , and not 65k gross non farm income.       Do you have any thoughts or Knowledge on that ?  I guess that would be 65k each for a husband and wife.

  • crusty replied to the topic Farm home properties in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years, 6 months ago

     Terry an FMD is  a essentially  a term deposite that must meet certain requirements, designed to even out yearly cashflow variations for primary producers, so instead of being in the   47% tax bracket one year then zero  the next  two years.  Money put in is not taxed,  it is taxed when it is withdrawn. Minimium term is 12 months  It may have c…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Farm home properties in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years, 6 months ago

        Get a good acountant obviously you dont have one.      Developing  the farm will save tax Utilize FMD s  the money you save in tax could be spent on Investment properties , depending on how many and LVR s,  you could than take out any equity, for running expenses,  to buy shares or more property.  You can get  6% + return from your FMD  you…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic 100% Offset Versus Line of Credit in the forum Finance 13 years, 7 months ago

    anntoro wrote:
    There is a little difference between offset account and line of credit. The main advantage of line of credit is that if you take a regular loan then interest is not charged. The interest is only paid on money actually withdrawn. 

                                  There is a huge difference  You  dont  need cash flow to service a LOC…[Read more]

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