camder replied to the topic Best Property Software For Multiple Properties in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago
Hi macwa, . Check your private messages
camder replied to the topic help needed in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago
Hi gattaga,
Had this conversation with Scott-Depreciator, last night and my understanding was that repairs done within the first 12 months of purchase are not claimable Tax Dept says you bought it like that –tough luck!! I believe that because it is your place of residence then nothing would be claimable anyway….And repairs done after a tenant…[Read more]camder replied to the topic SYDNEY METRO STRATEGY officially released in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 2 months ago
Hi Lou,
Have not read this one completely as yet but I thank you for your efforts to the investing group with the info on planning.Both at the last meeting and at the yahoo group.
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic Sydney Investment Groups in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago
Hi Dobby,
Yes ecatt is correct.
We just had a meeting at Petersham on Sunday last.
I believe the next will be in the new year and maybe also at Petersham. Drop me a Personal Message using the info on the post if you like for further discussion.
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic Ed Chan in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 2 months ago
Greetings All,
One other thing to come from the Sunday meeting where a representative from Chan and Naylor (also spruiking their own special “Property Investing Trust” ) gave a presentation was that it is superfluous to use a company as a trustee. The spokesperson (also one of the partners in the firm) claimed that a personal trustee is quite okay…[Read more]camder replied to the topic SYDNEY MEETING GROUP in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 2 months ago
Greetings All,
We apologise for having to leave early.
However what I did hear I enjoyed, some interesting ideas came up and I was sorry we missed your presentation and thank you for the effort Lou.
Thank you to Roy for the guest speaker and I hope all got something from it.
Still pondering which way to “jump”, structure- wise and I feel for those…[Read more]camder replied to the topic Vendor will NOT negotiate in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago
Hi vivyen,
Have not a lot of advice because it will end up being entirely up to how much you WANT the property
HOWEVERI do resent you using old and greedy in the same sentence—
I am not saying there is not some of US out there —I just do not like to read it in the same sentence.Anyway good luck with it.
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic Day one positively geared properties. in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago
Was my genuine question too hard about how to calculate percentage return, when none of your own money is outlayed for deposit, fees etc at all and the property bought from equity entirely.???
If the “gurus” cannot work it out how the heck am I supposed to???camder replied to the topic Day one positively geared properties. in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago
In my circumstances, I agree “positive from day one” BUT !!!
Lets assume pay 24k dep for 120k property earning
330 per week and S/D and solicitor fees come to 2500.
Total outlay = $26500
Interest on borrowings total $124/week
Assume rates and agent commission =$110/week
Then property returns $106/week ($5112 per annum)
Therefore return is…[Read more]camder replied to the topic WELL WE DID IT AGAIN in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago
Greetings All
Roy, my thoughts on the number of presenters at this upcoming meeting is that we keep it at two.
That is :your trust person and Louise.
I think that as we have seen before, there is heaps of discussion and questions after somebody speaks and I can see the same thing happening at the November meeting and I believe that is what we are…[Read more]camder replied to the topic WELL WE DID IT AGAIN in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago
Greetings All,
And Yes Airlie Beach is beautiful this time of year !!
Lou, Are you right for 27th, and Roy are you also right with your person????
Cheers for now Lencamder replied to the topic Capacity To Invest? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
Hi dammit,
At 57 years old and a view to retire 3 yrs, we have gone for the 10 properties idea.
As you have read , nobody can tell you how to invest because it is allvery personal .
We have gone for income over capital gain and the next person will tell you something different.
However you crunch the numbers yourself on Dad’s .
Good Luck and Cheere Lencamder replied to the topic Owning a caravan park in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
Hi Sam,
Try a caravan association etc.
I know they ,or similar, can hook you up with parks if you are the one wanting to look after parks for owners when they go on hols etc. They may also be able to hook you up with people who want to manage more permanently. ‘
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic WELL WE DID IT AGAIN in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago
Welcome Sam,
Just rock up and make yourself known.
Maybe best not bring Tim Tams. At a previous meeting the goodies did not get eaten, and it is at a club.
We now have Lou providing us with info and Roy bringing somebody on “trusts”.
Coming along nicely.
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic WELL WE DID IT AGAIN in the forum No Subject 19 years, 3 months ago
Let’s leave it at 27th.November 3pm at Petersham RSL.
We will never please everybody all the time.
Also, those that volunteered, could somebody get back to the group with a definite starter for a presentation on the day as soon as possible Thanx.
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic WELL WE DID IT AGAIN in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago
With apologies to Raymond,(chordq)
I have had some feed back negative to 27th November plus what has been entered here so just to confuse Toni and Carl at Petersham, I am requesting that we make firm booking for 20th November at the same place of course.
I did suggest 27th but a woman has a right to change her mind, or so they tell me. It is just…[Read more]camder replied to the topic Any positive cash flow properties in NSW in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
Hi kamal
When you say you “tried” the Hunter Region ! what doyou mean/// Did you check Real Estate .com or and then say There Is none??? Or did you get out there and have a look??“YES VIRGINIA” there is a Santa Clauses but now he is a little harder to find.
Why limit yourself to Hunter, How about a bit further out or further south…[Read more]camder replied to the topic Recent Sydney Forum in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 3 months ago
Hi lou,
I am sorry I butted in last night and suggested 27th Nov. as soon as I got home on the forum (Only suggestion mind you) and Roy on the other post has suggested Saturday.
However you particular was the member who I was thinking of when I mentioned more than 1 hours trip home after the meeting. As toni said I am also impressed with your…[Read more]camder replied to the topic Genuine Savings in the forum Finance 19 years, 4 months ago
Hi regrow,
I am wondering why ANZ would need any more proof of saving than the fact that you have been paying a loan down.
I must admit I have not had the need to worry about that aspect but would imagine ANZ would not know that you were not paying every cent you had available off your existing mortgage.Which really is hte best sort of saviongs.…[Read more]camder replied to the topic STEVE let get some balance in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 4 months ago
Go the bradshaw, But I thought we were meeting after the date you specified and do we have to bring along our packages as well ????
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